Survey Results of State Immunization Information System Legislation

What age groups are included in your IIS?All ages
What type of authority do you have to operate your IIS for children?Authority derived from general public health statute
What type of authority do you have to operate your IIS for adults?Authority derived from general public health statute
Are any entities MANDATED (by legislation, regulations, rules or policy) to report immunizations to the IIS?No
If any providers or entities are mandated to report immunizations to your IIS, does this mandate include any age restrictions?No Mandate
If any provider or entity is mandated to report immunizations, does the mandate specify that the report must be to the following?No mandate
What type of consent is required from a parent before reporting immunization information for their child to your IIS?Implicit consent with Opt Out
What type of consent is required from an adult before their immunization information is reported to the IIS?Implicit consent with Opt Out
Page last reviewed: August 2, 2018