Survey of State Immunization Information System Legislation
The map below links to results from a survey of immunization information system-related legislation conducted by the Public Health Informatics Institute on behalf of CDC/NCIRD/IISSB in 2012. Data were self-reported by immunization program staff through an online survey in February-March 2012, and followed up by a telephone interview in March-April 2012. Reported data were compared to an independent review of specific laws, regulations, and statutes compiled by CDC and PHII personnel, and reclassified data were validated with immunization program staff by telephone and email in February 2013. Regulations shown here are as they were in mid-2012. Data were updated by immunization program staff during the summer of 2015. As states continue to update their regulations and legislation, these updates will be reflected in future revisions of this page.
Please continue to monitor this page for future publication of additional details and discussion.