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Health Hazard Evaluations (HHEs)

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HHE Search Results

1060 HHE reports were found based on your search terms. Reports are listed in order of year published with the most recently published reports listed first.

Year Published and Title

(2013) Sensitization and exposure to flour dust, spices, and other ingredients among poultry breading workers. (Click to open report)
The HHE Program evaluated employees' exposures to breading dust containing flour, spices, and other ingredients at a poultry breading plant. Reported health symptoms included asthma, bronchitis, and nasal symptoms. Investigators took air samples for inhalable flour dust, wheat, and soy and took samples of employees' blood to see if they were allergic to flour dust, wheat, garlic, onion, soybean, corn, or paprika. They also surveyed employees about their job and health. The air sampling showed th... (Click to show more)

(2013) Zoonotic disease and exposures in persons working with marine mammals. (Click to open report)
The HHE Program evaluated potential exposure of employees and volunteers to zoonotic diseases at a marine mammal rescue and rehabilitation center. Zoonotic diseases are those that can be transmitted from animals to humans. Investigators with the HHE Program observed work practices and personal protective equipment use and found that some practices may lead to a higher risk of exposure to zoonotic diseases. Employees and volunteers were given a survey and blood tests to look for evidence of past ... (Click to show more)

(2012) Air sampling methods for abrasive blasting - Louisiana. (Click to open report)
NIOSH received a request for an HHE from the management at a Louisiana shipyard to evaluate sampling methods for measuring employee PBZ exposures during abrasive blasting. On July 20, 2001, NIOSH investigators collected side-by-side PBZ air samples using three types of commercially available sampling devices: a closed-face 37-mm cassette, an unshielded BAS, and a shielded BAS. For each type of sampling device we collected an "active" PBZ sample that was connected to an air sampling pump and a "p... (Click to show more)

(2012) Legionnaires' disease at an automobile and scrap metal shredding facility, New York. (Click to open report)
On May 11, 2011, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) received a request from the management of an automobile and scrap metal shredding facility regarding cases of Legionnaires' disease that had been identified among their workers. The request listed concerns about dusts, mists, and vapors generated during the process of shredding automobiles and scrap metal. The health concerns were Legionnaires' disease and respiratory disease. During telephone discussions with the... (Click to show more)

(2011) Contact dermatitis among ink ribbon manufacturing employees - New York. (Click to open report)
In May 2007, NIOSH received a management request for an HHE to look at dermatitis in production employees. In August 2007, we toured the plant, interviewed employees, and examined their skin for irritation. We took air samples for volatile organic compounds, reviewed MSDSs and medical records, and tested workplace substances to see if they could cause skin allergy. Our evaluation found that airborne solvent exposures were low; however, production employees had the potential for skin contact with... (Click to show more)

(2011) Exposures to pharmaceutical dust at a mail order pharmacy - Illinois. (Click to open report)
NIOSH investigators conducted an health hazard evaluation (HHE) at a mail order pharmacy to determine whether employees were exposed to pharmaceutical dust and noise and were experiencing health effects related to these exposures. We observed work processes, practices, and workplace conditions. We collected air samples to characterize employees' exposures. We measured employees' noise exposures and sound levels in the production areas. We held confidential interviews with 45 employees to learn a... (Click to show more)

(2011) Health concerns in a public middle school - Virginia. (Click to open report)
On January 12, 2010, NIOSH received an employer request for an HHE at a middle school in Virginia. The request was made because of staff concerns about exposure to mold in the school building. More than a dozen employees had reported health complaints they thought had been caused by mold since the school underwent renovation in 2006-2007. NIOSH investigators made a site visit on January 27-28, 2010. We randomly selected 72 (out of 137) employees for confidential medical interviews; 68 were avail... (Click to show more)

(2011) Lead exposure at an indoor firing range - California. (Click to open report)
In August 2008, NIOSH received an HHE request from employees at an indoor small arms firing range concerned about lead exposure and indoor environmental quality. We met with employer and employee representatives and observed work processes, practices, and workplace conditions on January 12-13, 2009. We also evaluated the ventilation systems, measured airflow in the firing range, and spoke with employees. On the basis of this initial visit, we recommended installing a new ventilation system capab... (Click to show more)

(2011) Respiratory health among employees in a water-damaged office building - Connecticut. (Click to open report)
In July 2001, NIOSH received a health hazard evaluation request from a local union representing employees at a state office building in Connecticut. There had been reports of asthma, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, and sarcoidosis occurring among occupants in the building. The building, which had a reported history of water incursion and damage, was originally built in 1985 and purchased by the state of Connecticut from a private company in 1994. Two agencies had been in the office building since ... (Click to show more)

(2010) Comparison of mold exposures, work-related symptoms, and visual contrast sensitivity between employees at a severely water-damaged school and employees at a school without significant water damage. (Click to open report)
On January 18, 2005, NIOSH received a request for an HHE at AFSHS in New Orleans, Louisiana. Employees submitted the request because of concerns about exposure to mold and lead paint in their school building. Employees reported a variety of health effects, including difficulty breathing, chronic sinusitis, immune system problems, nosebleeds, skin rashes, irregular menses, headaches, irritable bowel syndrome, and nausea. We visited AFSHS on April 18-19, 2005. During informal interviews, employees... (Click to show more)

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