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HHE Search Results
1060 HHE reports were found based on your search terms. Reports are listed in order of year published with the most recently published reports listed first.
Year Published and Title
(2010) Crystalline silica and isocyanate exposures during parking garage repair. (Click to open report) On November 30, 2007, NIOSH received a request from managers at Aduddell Restoration and Waterproofing, Inc. for an HHE at the Ballston Mall Parking Garage in Arlington, Virginia. The managers wanted to know if the employees were adequately protected against silica and MDI during parking garage repair. Full-shift PBZ air samples for respirable particulates and silica were collected on four employees over 2 days. The amount of MDI monomer in a bulk sample of Part A and Part B was measured. We als... (Click to show more)On November 30, 2007, NIOSH received a request from managers at Aduddell Restoration and Waterproofing, Inc. for an HHE at the Ballston Mall Parking Garage in Arlington, Virginia. The managers wanted to know if the employees were adequately protected against silica and MDI during parking garage repair. Full-shift PBZ air samples for respirable particulates and silica were collected on four employees over 2 days. The amount of MDI monomer in a bulk sample of Part A and Part B was measured. We also evaluated the curing time after mixing MDI-containing Part A and the inert Part B. Employees were exposed to hazardous levels of respirable crystalline silica during jackhammering and sandblasting. Of the eight PBZ air samples for respirable dust and silica, seven reached or exceeded the silica (as quartz) ACGIH TLV of 0.025 mg/m3, and five reached or exceeded the NIOSH REL of 0.05 mg/m3. None of the samples exceeded the OSHA PEL. Approximately 52% of the bulk sample of Part A was MDI monomer. Part B contained no MDI monomer. A quantitative analysis of the reaction between Part A and Part B showed that approximately 80% of the MDI monomer reacted in the first 10 minutes. At 60 minutes, the mixture was hardened. We considered inhalation exposure to MDI unlikely because of the low vapor pressure of MDI, the relatively short curing time between the MDI-containing Part A and the inert Part B, and the method used to pour and apply the MDI-containing slurry. However, we believed there was a potential for dermal exposure to MDI that could result in sensitization, asthma, and contact dermatitis. We interviewed all 10 employees who were working during our site visit; none reported work-related health concerns. The company provided the appropriate type of respirator for crystalline silica and required employees to wear it. However, not all job tasks requiring respirators were clearly defined. Additionally, employees were neither respirator fit-tested nor did they clean or maintain their respirators properly. We recommend informing employees that MDI monomer may still exist after Parts A and B are mixed together and requiring them to wear butyl rubber gloves when mixing these compounds. We also recommend requiring employees to wear respirators during jackhammering and sandblasting. The company's respirator program should comply with the OSHA Respiratory Protection Standard. Additional recommendations included exploring possible engineering controls to reduce dust levels while jackhammering and sandblasting; complying with the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard; evaluating employees' exposure to noise during jackhammering and sandblasting activities; providing antivibration gloves to employees who use vibrating tools such as jackhammers; wearing eye protection while sandblasting, jackhammering, or mixing and applying filler material; and establishing a smoking cessation program.
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(2010) Isocyanate exposure during polyurethane foam application and silica exposure during rock dusting at an underground coal mine. (Click to open report) NIOSH received a request for an HHE from the United Mine Workers of America, Local 1702 representing employees at the Consolidation Coal Company Blacksville #2 Mine in Blacksville, West Virginia. The HHE request concerned potential exposure to MDI during the application of polyurethane foam and exposure to silica and asbestos during rock dusting. In an initial evaluation on March 31, 2009, we sampled the surface of the foam applicator gun for MDI contamination and collected bulk samples of the r... (Click to show more)NIOSH received a request for an HHE from the United Mine Workers of America, Local 1702 representing employees at the Consolidation Coal Company Blacksville #2 Mine in Blacksville, West Virginia. The HHE request concerned potential exposure to MDI during the application of polyurethane foam and exposure to silica and asbestos during rock dusting. In an initial evaluation on March 31, 2009, we sampled the surface of the foam applicator gun for MDI contamination and collected bulk samples of the rock dust for silica and asbestos analysis. During a second evaluation on September 14-17, 2009, we collected PBZ air samples on day-shift rock dusters for respirable silica and dust. We did not detect MDI on the surface of the foam applicator gun. The bratticeman who applied the foam wore nitrile gloves that protected his skin from MDI. Inhalation exposure to MDI is unlikely because the foam was not aerosolized during application and does not readily evaporate due to its low vapor pressure. Low levels of silica were found in bulk samples of rock dust. Asbestos was not present in the rock dust. The PBZ air concentrations of respirable silica were below applicable OELs. However, according to a statistical analysis, there is a 73% probability that the rock dusters' PBZ concentrations may exceed the ACGIH TLV 5% of the time. Because of the potential for overexposure to respirable silica, we recommend continued use of N95 filtering facepiece respirators. Additionally, the company should implement a written respiratory protection program that incorporates medical evaluations and respirator fit testing.
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(2010) Metal and carbon monoxide exposures during steel slab cutting and slitting - Indiana. (Click to open report) In January 2008, NIOSH received an HHE request from the United Steelworkers concerning metal dust and fume exposure from the semi-automated No. 1 caster/slitter operation at an Indiana steel mill. Health concerns listed on the request included bloody nose and dirty nasal passages. We met with employer and employee representatives and observed work processes, practices, and workplace conditions on April 2-4, 2008. We reviewed the results of previous environmental sampling conducted by the steel m... (Click to show more)In January 2008, NIOSH received an HHE request from the United Steelworkers concerning metal dust and fume exposure from the semi-automated No. 1 caster/slitter operation at an Indiana steel mill. Health concerns listed on the request included bloody nose and dirty nasal passages. We met with employer and employee representatives and observed work processes, practices, and workplace conditions on April 2-4, 2008. We reviewed the results of previous environmental sampling conducted by the steel mill and held confidential interviews with employees to discuss health and workplace concerns. We collected PBZ and GA air samples for minerals, metals, and CO and evaluated the ventilation systems in the cut-off and slitter pulpits, the shipping shanty, and two break rooms. The PBZ and GA air samples were analyzed for 31 minerals and metals. Airborne particulate in the No. 1 caster/slitter and shipping areas was primarily iron oxide, but other metals such as copper, manganese, molybdenum, and nickel were also present in measurable amounts. Employees' exposures were below applicable OELs, although the iron oxide TWA exposures for the crane operators (range: 1900 to 2800 microg/m3) approached or exceeded one half of the OSHA PEL and NIOSH REL of 5000 microg/m3. All CO concentrations were below the OSHA PEL and NIOSH REL. The cut-off and slitter pulpits, the shipping shanty, and the iron worker break room were under positive pressure in relation to the surrounding production areas. The pulpits, shanty, and break rooms were provided with air ducted from outside the building. Twenty-two of 28 employees scheduled to work on the days of our evaluation participated in the confidential medical interviews. All but two were male, and the average age was 45 years. Of 22 employees interviewed, 17 (77%) were either current or former smokers. Of the 22 employees interviewed, 16 reported no work-related symptoms, but many noted having black nasal secretions and phlegm. The remaining six employees reported work-related symptoms including eye irritation (1), cough (1), sore throat (2), nosebleeds (2), anxiety (1), and headache (2). Cough, sore throat, and nosebleeds are consistent with upper respiratory irritation due to dust exposure. These symptoms are also common in the general population and cannot be directly linked to work exposure. These six employees had also reported workplace dustiness to their supervisors but had not reported their health symptoms to either the employer or to the on-site occupational health clinic. However, no interviewed employees reported feeling pressured by the employer not to report symptoms. Interviewed employees reported that there was less dust in the slitter pulpit after the ventilation system was improved and that ventilation changes to the crane cabs and shipping shanty were less effective than the changes to the slitter pulpit in reducing dust. Dust was reported as worse in the winter when the doors were closed. On the basis of this evaluation we recommended sealing gaps in the crane cab enclosures and evaluating the fit and effectiveness of the air filters installed in the crane cab enclosures. We recommended that the cut-off and slitter operators and shippers perform as much of their work as possible within their ventilated pulpits or shanty. Employees should wear the voluntary use respirators properly and replace them at least daily or more often if the respirator becomes difficult to breathe through. We also recommended that employees report any work-related health problems to the on-site occupational health clinic. Additionally, because employees were allowed to smoke in the work place, the steel mill should implement a smoking cessation program because smoking can have many adverse health effects.
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(2010) Potential exposures at an electrolytic manganese dioxide processing plant. (Click to open report) NIOSH received an HHE request from a representative of the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 369 at Erachem Comilog, Inc., in New Johnsonville, Tennessee. The requestors were concerned about exposure to cobalt and nickel in the filter mud, manganese dust in the production areas, and sulfuric acid mist in the cell rooms. The health effects reported were cancer, lung problems, skin and eye irritation, nausea, and exhaustion. We conducted site visits in October 2007, February 2008, a... (Click to show more)NIOSH received an HHE request from a representative of the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 369 at Erachem Comilog, Inc., in New Johnsonville, Tennessee. The requestors were concerned about exposure to cobalt and nickel in the filter mud, manganese dust in the production areas, and sulfuric acid mist in the cell rooms. The health effects reported were cancer, lung problems, skin and eye irritation, nausea, and exhaustion. We conducted site visits in October 2007, February 2008, and August 2008. On October 24-25, 2007, we toured the facility to observe work processes, work practices, and PPE use. Confidential medical interviews were conducted with 11 employees, and 4 PBZ air samples were collected for sulfuric acid. We reviewed previous air sampling records, injury and illness records, and the respiratory protection and hearing conservation programs. During the February 20-22, 2008, site visit, we collected 16 full-shift PBZ air samples for sulfuric acid and 13 full-shift PBZ air samples for dust to evaluate employee exposure to metals such as manganese, cobalt, and nickel. We also conducted task-based air sampling by collecting four PBZ air samples for metals on employees performing job tasks associated with dropping and drumming the filter mud and spray washing the filters. During the August 25-28, 2008, site visit we collected 50 full-shift PBZ air samples, 2 full-shift GA air samples, and 3 task-based air samples for dust-containing metals over the morning and night shifts. We found that 2 PBZ air samples for manganese exceeded the NIOSH REL of 1 mg/m3, and 16 exceeded the ACGIH TLV of 0.2 mg/m3. The highest PBZ concentrations of manganese were among operators working in the product preparation area, ore trammers, and CCOs in the digest area of the plant. Of the 33 PBZ air samples collected from employees (CCOs and product preparation operators) working 12-hour shifts, seven exceeded the ACGIH TLV of 0.2 mg/m3. However, if the ACGIH TLV for manganese is adjusted to account for the 12-hour work shifts, 16 PBZ air samples would have exceeded the adjusted TLV of 0.1 mg/m3. In addition, a 30-minute task-based sample collected when an employee was bagging the final product exceeded the ACGIH excursion limit of 0.6 mg/m3. Employees' full-shift and task-based exposures to cobalt, nickel, and sulfuric acid were very low and below their applicable OELs. We also found that the respiratory protection and hearing conservation programs had deficiencies. The written respiratory protection program did not accurately reflect actual employee PPE use. Interviewed employees were concerned about cancer risk, upper airway irritation from exposure to sulfuric acid mist, and safety when working in cell rooms. Four out of 11 employees reported nosebleeds when exposed to the sulfuric acid mist. Review of the OSHA Form 300 Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses for the years 2002-2007 showed entries for chemical and thermal burns, falls, and musculoskeletal injuries such as sprains and strains. We found no cases of chronic manganese, cobalt, or nickel poisoning. We recommend installing local exhaust hoods for the bag filling operation and using existing local exhaust hoods when cutting and grinding parts. We recommend that employees with job titles exceeding the OELs for manganese wear a minimum of a NIOSH-approved half-mask air purifying respirator with N95 or higher filter efficiency until engineering controls reduce exposure below the OELs. We also recommend using nonreactive fiber-reinforced plastic covers to reduce the amount of acid mist and steam generation. Until the plastic covers are installed, management should place barricades along the full length of the cell tank to as a warning and to prevent employees from falling into the cell tanks. Employees could be also provided with crane-mounted fixed/extendable walkways to conduct their job safely in cell rooms. Additionally, we recommend revising the written respiratory protection program to address inconsistencies between the written program and the employees' current respirator use.
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(2010) Potential exposures during composite grinding at an aircraft manufacturing plant. (Click to open report) NIOSH received a confidential request from employees for an HHE at the Prospect facility of Cessna Aircraft Company (Cessna) in Wichita, Kansas. The requestors were concerned about adverse health effects from exposure to paint and sealants, CO, and dust generated during grinding of composite and metal parts in D039 and D133. Health effects noted in the request were headaches, dizziness, fatigue, and abdominal pain. We evaluated the facility on January 23-24, 2008, to learn more about the manufac... (Click to show more)NIOSH received a confidential request from employees for an HHE at the Prospect facility of Cessna Aircraft Company (Cessna) in Wichita, Kansas. The requestors were concerned about adverse health effects from exposure to paint and sealants, CO, and dust generated during grinding of composite and metal parts in D039 and D133. Health effects noted in the request were headaches, dizziness, fatigue, and abdominal pain. We evaluated the facility on January 23-24, 2008, to learn more about the manufacturing process. We observed work practices; evaluated employee exposure to total dust, respirable dust, and CO; and interviewed employees in D039 and D133 about their health. We also interviewed Cessna's Health Services manager. We reviewed the OSHA Form 300 Log of Work-related Injuries and Illnesses from the years 2005-2007 and company air sampling reports for D039 and D133 from 2002-2007. We also looked at MSDSs and the maintenance chart for the downdraft table in D039. Three of four employees in D039 and D133 with pre-existing asthma reported worsening of their asthma at work. One employee reported being diagnosed with asthma since beginning work at Cessna. Three employees reported skin rashes, and two employees reported headaches. None of the interviewed employees reported dizziness, fatigue, or abdominal pain. Our air sampling results indicated that employees' exposures to total dust, respirable dust, and metals were below the NIOSH RELs, OSHA PELs, and ACGIH TLVs. Air sampling results for CO indicated that the air concentrations were below all applicable OELs. However, dust generated from grinding composite materials can contain reactive components that can cause health effects at levels far below the applicable OELs. Despite low levels of total and respirable dust and metals, it is possible that the reported respiratory symptoms are work related. To further reduce exposure to dust, we recommend that employees use downdraft tables when grinding on composite materials. Engineering controls such as shrouded grinding tools should also be provided to employees. Employees should wear respirators correctly, including being clean shaven to have a good seal. We also encourage employees to report all work-related health concerns to the onsite medical clinic.
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(2010) Skin and respiratory symptoms in peanut inspectors with peanut dust and endotoxin exposure. (Click to open report) On November 30, 2007, the GDPH submitted a request for technical assistance to NIOSH to address concerns about health symptoms in FSIS peanut inspectors who worked in the peanut grading room at Shann Peanut Company (Shann) in Ambrose, Georgia. FSIS employees began reporting irritation of the eyes, nose, respiratory tract, and skin; nausea; diarrhea; vomiting; headache; fever; and flu-like symptoms in middle to late October 2007. Prior to our evaluation, FDA and USDA analyzed peanut samples for f... (Click to show more)On November 30, 2007, the GDPH submitted a request for technical assistance to NIOSH to address concerns about health symptoms in FSIS peanut inspectors who worked in the peanut grading room at Shann Peanut Company (Shann) in Ambrose, Georgia. FSIS employees began reporting irritation of the eyes, nose, respiratory tract, and skin; nausea; diarrhea; vomiting; headache; fever; and flu-like symptoms in middle to late October 2007. Prior to our evaluation, FDA and USDA analyzed peanut samples for fungi, mycotoxins, and pesticides. GDPH officials conducted an epidemiologic assessment. On December 5, 2007, we met with FSIS inspectors, GDPH officials, a USDA official, and the facility owner and walked around the peanut grading facility. We assessed ventilation in the grading room, examined the PPE provided to employees, and collected a sample of dust from the air conditioner filter in the grading room. We spoke with FSIS employees about their health concerns and reviewed their medical records. We later analyzed peanuts sent to us for endotoxin and VOCs. On October 22, 2008, we returned to Shann and conducted PBZ air sampling for endotoxin in the grading room. In 2007, we found that the grading room machinery did not vent peanut dust outdoors. FSIS inspectors reported wearing dust masks that were not NIOSH approved; they also reported skin, gastrointestinal, respiratory, and flu-like symptoms. Employee medical records reported respiratory abnormalities in seven employees. Endotoxin were found on the air conditioner filter and in peanut samples. During the 2008 site visit, endotoxin were found in the grading room air and outdoor air. The acute respiratory and flu-like symptoms reported by FSIS employees were consistent with endotoxin exposure. The acute gastrointestinal and skin symptoms reported were consistent with exposure to chemical toxins, possibly mycotoxins. The persistence of symptoms in some workers after being removed from exposure was unusual. Persistent respiratory symptoms could be a result of additional lung insult from cigarette smoking or co-existing disease, such as COPD or asthma. In addition, persistence of symptoms might be explained by employees inadvertently taking home organic dust on their clothing and shoes and in their cars, thus continuing their exposure. We recommend reducing dust in the peanut grading room by installing ductwork on machines to discharge dust outdoors. We recommend providing employee training on the hazards of organic dust and ways to prevent exposure, providing appropriate respiratory and skin protection to reduce exposure to irritants and allergens, and encouraging employees to report potential work-related symptoms. FSIS management also should review injury and illness logs and conduct additional endotoxin sampling in FSIS peanut grading rooms throughout the state to monitor trends in work-related illness and exposures.
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(2009) Employees' chemical exposures while blending and repackaging glass beads for road markings. (Click to open report) On October 16, 2007, NIOSH received a confidential employee request for an HHE at Weissker Manufacturing (Weissker) in Palestine, Texas. Employees were concerned about exposures to lead, arsenic, formaldehyde, and dust while handling reflective glass beads. Health problems listed on the request and attributed to the dust from the glass beads included glassy eyes, sore throat, body aches, and flu-like symptoms. Weissker imported the glass beads in Super Sack containers (2200-pound capacity fabric... (Click to show more)On October 16, 2007, NIOSH received a confidential employee request for an HHE at Weissker Manufacturing (Weissker) in Palestine, Texas. Employees were concerned about exposures to lead, arsenic, formaldehyde, and dust while handling reflective glass beads. Health problems listed on the request and attributed to the dust from the glass beads included glassy eyes, sore throat, body aches, and flu-like symptoms. Weissker imported the glass beads in Super Sack containers (2200-pound capacity fabric bags) from Russia and China and repackaged the beads for resale. Both the Chinese and Russian glass beads had a silane coating. Employees complained about a fish-like odor emitted from the Chinese beads when they were wet. The odor may have come from the amines in the glass beads' coating. Weissker is no longer purchasing beads from China due to employees' health concerns. At the time of this evaluation six employees at Weissker worked one 8-hour shift. During our site visit on January 22-24, 2008, we observed the blending and repackaging process, reviewed the MSDSs for the glass beads, and interviewed employees. We also collected PBZ air samples for respirable dust, crystalline silica, elements (including arsenic and lead), and formaldehyde and GA air samples for total dust, formaldehyde, and elements. We analyzed bulk samples of glass beads for elements, VOCs, and size. We took wipe samples from employees' hands and work surfaces and had them analyzed for elements. Our review of the OSHA 300 Logs of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses revealed that an employee was injured in June 2007, when his arm was trapped between a metal bin and a Super Sack while he was emptying it. All air sampling results were below applicable OELs. No VOCs were detected in the bulk samples of glass beads. Elements were either not detected or were detected at very low concentrations. Particle size analysis of the glass beads revealed that they were too large to be deposited in the respiratory tract or the lungs. We measured very low levels of elements on employees' hands, on work surfaces, and on the lunchroom table. We conducted confidential medical interviews with five employees; some reported eye and throat irritation. We recommend that employees wear safety glasses or goggles to prevent glass beads from getting in their eyes and that they wash their hands before eating or touching their face. We also recommend that employees not place their arms underneath the Super Sack containers when they are being emptied to prevent hand and arm injuries.
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(2009) Employees' exposures to welding fumes and powder paint dust during metal furniture manufacturing. (Click to open report) On April 6, 2007, NIOSH received a confidential employee request for an HHE at Dehler Manufacturing, Inc., (Dehler) in Chicago, Illinois. Employees were concerned about exposure to welding fumes and dust from powder painting and grinding operations. During our initial site visit on June 28-29, 2007, we met with management and employee representatives; toured the facility; observed work processes, use of PPE, and existing engineering controls; and interviewed 10 employees. We collected bulk sampl... (Click to show more)On April 6, 2007, NIOSH received a confidential employee request for an HHE at Dehler Manufacturing, Inc., (Dehler) in Chicago, Illinois. Employees were concerned about exposure to welding fumes and dust from powder painting and grinding operations. During our initial site visit on June 28-29, 2007, we met with management and employee representatives; toured the facility; observed work processes, use of PPE, and existing engineering controls; and interviewed 10 employees. We collected bulk samples of powder paint for particle sizing and to check for silica and asbestos content. Two of the 10 employees we interviewed reported symptoms we determined were not related to exposures in the workplace. They described episodic transient shortness of breath that lasted a few minutes and also affected members of their families who were not Dehler employees. Their condition did not improve when they were away from work. Two other employees reported eye and throat irritation. The remaining six employees reported no symptoms. Although the bulk powder paint samples did not contain silica or asbestos, we decided a return survey was needed to evaluate exposures to welding fumes, powder paint, noise, and heat stress. During the follow-up evaluation on September 18-20, 2007, we collected PBZ air samples for carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide on welders, and for elements (metals) on welders and grinders. We also collected PBZ samples for carbon monoxide on two grinders. For the painters, we collected PBZ air samples for TGIC, respirable dust, and total dust. We measured the face velocity on door openings to the paint booth, the capture velocity on a welding fume extractor, and noise levels throughout the facility. We also evaluated heat stress in the paint room. We interviewed the nine painters who were available and provided them with self-recording PEF meters. We were interested in knowing if the painters' breathing was affected by TGIC in powder paint. These meters provide an indication of airway obstruction. Of the 38 PBZ samples for elements collected on MIG welders, seven exceeded the ACGIH TLV of 200 microg/m3 for manganese, and an additional eight samples were at least at half of the TLV. Concentrations of the remaining elements in the welding fumes were below applicable OELs. Of the 16 PBZ air samples for carbon monoxide collected on welders, four exceeded the NIOSH ceiling limit of 200 ppm. Despite painting for only 80 to 300 minutes, four of eight painters were exposed to TGIC above the ACGIH 8-hour TLV-TWA of 0.05 mg/m3. One painter's exposure to TGIC exceeded the protection factor of the filtering facepiece respirator he was wearing. Had employees applied paint containing TGIC for 8 hours or longer at the same application rate (as is commonly done for a larger work order), at least six of the eight painters would have been overexposed to TGIC. Two of 15 PBZ air samples for respirable dust collected on painters exceeded the OSHA 8-hour PEL-TWA of 5 mg/m3, and 7 of 13 PBZ air samples for total dust exceeded the OSHA 8-hour PEL-TWA of 15 mg/m3. Talc was not detected in the respirable dust air samples collected on painters. The WBGT in the paint room did not exceed NIOSH recommended heat stress exposure limits, but at times the dry bulb temperature in the paint room exceeded 100 degrees F. On the day of our evaluation, the outdoor temperature was 77 degrees F, so it is possible that on warmer days the NIOSH RELs may be exceeded because the production area is not air-conditioned. Noise levels exceeded 85 dBA during grinding, welding, and painting, and at most presses occasionally exceeded 90 dBA. Hearing protection was required in the press area, but some employees were observed not wearing it, or wearing ear plugs that were not properly inserted. Two of the nine painters interviewed had PEF readings with a variability of 20% or more, which may suggest asthma. One of the two painters reported having symptoms of shortness of breath, which predated employment at Dehler, and had reportedly not worsened since employment. Because these employees only had Sundays off during the period of the PEF recordings, we are unable to determine if the PEF rates would have improved while away from work. A single day away from work is not sufficient to observe such changes if present. We are therefore unable to make a determination on work-relatedness of this finding. Our evaluation did not identify any painter who had definitive work-related respiratory disease or symptoms. However, we recommended to the two painters with increased variability of their daily peak flow readings that they consult their physician for further evaluation to determine if their bronchial hyperresponsiveness was related to workplace exposures. We also recommend that management take steps to prevent employee sensitization to TGIC. We recommend using powder paints that do not contain TGIC and welding wire that does not contain manganese. The paint booth should be further enclosed to better contain the powder paint, and the painters should be provided with a higher level of respiratory protection until exposures can be reduced through engineering or administrative controls. Painters should avoid skin contact with powder paint that contains TGIC because it is also a skin sensitizer and can cause allergic contact dermatitis and asthma. Management should inform employees about the risks of working with TGIC. We recommend installing spot cooling fans and exhaust fans in the paint booth room to control heat stress, and exhaust fans in the welding area to remove welding fumes. We recommend that management conduct noise monitoring to determine employees' full-shift TWA noise exposures, and ensure employees wear hearing protection properly while in designated hazardous noise areas. We also recommend that an ergonomics consultant be hired to assess work tasks and provide recommendations for reducing the number of ergonomic injuries.
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(2009) Evaluación de exposiciones de empleados a humo de soldadura y a polvo de pintura en polvo durante la fabricación de muebles metálicos. (Click to open report) The performance of field portable direct-reading organic vapor monitors (DROVMs) was evaluated under a variety of experimental conditions. Four of the DROVMs had photoionization detectors (ppbRAE, IAQRAE, MultiRAE, and Century Toxic Vapor Analyzer), one had a flame ionization detector (Century Toxic Vapor Analyzer), and one was a single-beam infrared spectrophotometer (SapphIRe). Four of each DROVM (two Century Toxic Vapor Analyzers and SapphIRes) were tested. The DROVMs were evaluated at three ... (Click to show more)The performance of field portable direct-reading organic vapor monitors (DROVMs) was evaluated under a variety of experimental conditions. Four of the DROVMs had photoionization detectors (ppbRAE, IAQRAE, MultiRAE, and Century Toxic Vapor Analyzer), one had a flame ionization detector (Century Toxic Vapor Analyzer), and one was a single-beam infrared spectrophotometer (SapphIRe). Four of each DROVM (two Century Toxic Vapor Analyzers and SapphIRes) were tested. The DROVMs were evaluated at three temperatures (4 degrees C, 21 degrees C, and 38 degrees C), three relative humidities (30%, 60%, and 90%), and two hexane concentrations (5 ppm and 100 ppm). These conditions were selected to provide a range within the operational parameters of all the instruments. At least four replicate trials were performed across the 18 experimental conditions (3 temperatures 3 relative humidities 2 concentrations). To evaluate performance, the 4-hr time-weighted average readings from the DROVMs in a given trial were compared with the average of two charcoal tube concentrations using pairwise comparison. The pairwise comparison criterion was +/-25% measurement agreement between each individual DROVM and the DROVMs as a group and the average charcoal tube concentration. The ppbRAE group performed the best with 40% of all readings meeting the comparison criterion followed by the SapphIRe group at 39%. Among individual DROVMs, the best performer was a SapphIRe, with 57% of its readings meeting the criterion. The data was further analyzed by temperature, humidity, and concentration. The results indicated the performance of some DROVMs may be affected by temperature, humidity, and/or concentration. The ppbRAE group performed best at 21 degrees C with the percentage of readings meeting the criterion increasing to 63%. At the 5 ppm concentration, 44% of the ppbRAE group readings met the criterion, while at 100 ppm, only 35% did. The results indicate that monitors can be used as survey tools. Based on the data, the inconsistent performance of these DROVMs may not allow them to be used for determining compliance with occupational exposure limits. El 6 de abril del 2007, NIOSH recibio una solicitud confidencial de empleados de Dehler Manufacturing, Inc., (Dehler) en Chicago Illinois, para una evaluacion de riesgos para la salud (HHE por sus siglas en ingles). Los empleados estaban preocupados por su exposicion al humo de soldadura, y al polvo de la pintura en polvo, y del esmerilado. Durante nuestra visita inicial del 28 al 29 de junio del 2007, nos reunimos con representantes de la gerencia y de los empleados; recorrimos la planta; observamos los procesos de trabajo, uso de equipo de proteccion individual (EPI), los controles tecnicos existentes; y entrevistamos a 10 empleados. Tomamos muestras a granel de la pintura en polvo para medir el tamano de las particulas y para saber si contenia silice o asbesto. Dos de los 10 empleados que entrevistamos reportaron sintomas los cuales nosotros determinamos no tenian relacion con las exposiciones en el lugar del trabajo. Los dos empleados describieron episodios transitorios de dificultad respiratoria que duraron algunos minutos y que tambien afectaron a miembros de sus familias que no eran empleados de Dehler. Su condicion no mejoraba cuando estaban lejos del trabajo. Otros dos empleados reportaron irritacion de los ojos y de la garganta. Los seis empleados restantes no reportaron ningun sintoma. Aunque las muestras a granel de la pintura en polvo no contenian silice o asbestos, decidimos que una segunda visita era necesaria para evaluar la exposicion al humo de soldadura, a la pintura en polvo, al ruido, y al estres calorifico. Durante la evaluacion de seguimiento del 18 al 20 de septiembre del 2007, tomamos muestras del aire en la zona de respiracion personal (PBZ por sus siglas en ingles) para monoxido de carbono y dioxido de nitrogeno en los soldadores, y para los elementos (metales) en los soldadores y los pulidores. Tambien tomamos muestras de PBZ para monoxido de carbono en dos pulidores. Para los pintores, tomamos muestras de PBZ para 1,3,5-triglicidil-S-triazintriona (TGIC por sus siglas en ingles), el polvo respirable, y el polvo total. Medimos el flujo de aire en las aperturas hacia la cabina de pintura, la velocidad de captacion en un extractor de humo de soldadura, y niveles de ruidos a traves de la fabrica. Tambien evaluamos el estres calorifico en el area de pintura. Entrevistamos a los nueve pintores disponibles y les dimos medidores de flujo espiratorio maximo (FEM). Estabamos interesados en saber si la respiracion de los pintores estaba siendo afectada por el TGIC en la pintura en polvo. Estas medidas proporcionan una indicacion de la obstruccion de las vias respiratorias. De las 38 muestras de PBZ para los elementos tomadas en los soldadores de soldadura por electrodo consumible protegido (MIG por sus siglas en ingles), siete excedieron el Valor Limite Umbral (TLV por sus siglas en ingles) de la Conferencia de los Higienistas Industriales Gubernamentales (ACGIH por sus siglas en ingles) de 200 microgramos por metro cubico de aire (ug/m3) para el manganeso, y unas ocho muestras adicionales estaban por lo menos a la mitad del TLV. Las concentraciones de los elementos restantes en los humos de soldadura estaban por debajo de los limites de exposición ocupacional aplicables (OEL por sus siglas en inglés.) De las 16 muestras de aire de PBZ para el monóxido de carbono tomadas de los soldadores, cuatro excedieron el valor techo de NIOSH de 200 partes por millón (PPM por sus siglas en inglés). A pesar de pintar solamente de 80 a 300 minutos, cuatro de ocho pintores fueron expuestos a TGIC sobre el Valor Limite Umbral-Promedio Ponderado en el Tiempo por 8 horas de ACGIH (8-hour TLV-TWA, por sus siglas en inglés) de 0.05 miligramos por metro cúbico de aire (mg/m3 por sus siglas en inglés). La exposición de un pintor a TGIC excedió el nivel de protección del respirador para partículas que él usaba. Si los empleados hubiesen aplicado pintura conteniendo TGIC por 8 horas o más a la misma taza de aplicación (lo cual sucede comúnmente para una orden de trabajo más grande), por lo menos seis de los ocho pintores hubiesen estado sobre-expuestos a TGIC. Dos de 15 muestras de aire de PBZ para el polvo respirable tomadas en pintores excedieron el nivel permisible OSHA PEL-TWA de ocho horas de 5 mg/m3, y 7 de 13 muestras de aire de PBZ para el polvo total excedieron el nivel permisible ponderado por 8 horas de la Administración para la Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional (OSHA 8-Tour PEL-TWA, por sus siglas en inglés) de 15 mg/m3. No se detecto talco en las muestras de aire del polvo respirable tomadas en los pintores. La Temperatura húmeda Temperatura de globo (WBGT por sus siglas en inglés) en el área de pintura no excedió los límites de exposición para estrés calorífico recomendados por NIOSH, pero en ocasiones la temperatura del termómetro de bulbo seco en el área de pintura excedió 100 degrees F. El día de nuestra evaluación, la temperatura al aire libre era 77 grados F, así que es posible que en días más calientes el Límite de Exposición Recomendado (REL por sus siglas en inglés) de NIOSH pueda ser excedido porque el área de producción no tiene aire acondicionado. Los niveles de ruido excedieron 85 decibeles ponderados en la escala A (dBA por sus siglas en inglés) durante los procesos de esmerilar, soldar, y pintar, y en la mayoría de las prensas ocasionalmente excedieron 90 dBA. La protección auditiva era requerida en el área de la prensa, pero se observo que algunos empleados no la usaban, o que usaban tapones del oído que no fueron insertados correctamente. Dos de los nueve pintores entrevistados mostraron resultados de FEM con una variabilidad de 20% o más, lo que puede sugerir asma. Uno de los dos pintores dijo tener síntomas de dificultad respiratoria antes de su empleo con Dehler, el cual no había empeorado. Ya que estos empleados t...
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(2009) Exposure to flour dust and sensitization among bakery employees. (Click to open report) In May 2005, NIOSH received a confidential employee request for an HHE at the Sara Lee Bakery in Sacramento, California. The request concerned rashes, respiratory symptoms, and problems with ventilation and indoor environmental quality. In an August 2005 work site visit we met with management and union representatives, toured the plant, and held confidential medical interviews with employees. We observed potential exposure to flour dust and BAA and received reports of employees with work-related... (Click to show more)In May 2005, NIOSH received a confidential employee request for an HHE at the Sara Lee Bakery in Sacramento, California. The request concerned rashes, respiratory symptoms, and problems with ventilation and indoor environmental quality. In an August 2005 work site visit we met with management and union representatives, toured the plant, and held confidential medical interviews with employees. We observed potential exposure to flour dust and BAA and received reports of employees with work-related hand dermatitis, cough, eye irritation, and aggravation of pre-existing asthma. We also learned of at least one employee who was diagnosed with baker's asthma. We returned to the bakery in March 2006. All bakery employees were asked to participate in an evaluation designed to compare sensitization and symptom prevalences between groups categorized as having higher and lower potential exposure to BAA and to more accurately characterize exposure in the different bakery departments. PBZ and GA air monitoring was performed to measure inhalable flour dust and total dust. The inhalable flour dust samples were further analyzed for alpha-amylase and wheat. The study included a questionnaire, and blood tests for total IgE; IgE specific to flour dust, wheat, and alpha-amylase; and for a variety of common aeroallergens. Of 186 bakery employees present during our site visit, 161 (87%) completed the questionnaire. Of these, 96 allowed their blood to be drawn. We observed the process in the bakery and also used information in the scientific literature to assign "lower-exposure" and "higher-exposure" categories to participants. Participants were assigned to either a lower-exposure group or a higher-exposure group based upon their job title at the time of the survey. We collected 83 PBZ and 19 GA air measurements for inhalable flour dust in the bread and bun production, distribution, engineering, and sanitation departments; and the office and plant management areas. The inhalable flour dust concentrations for PBZ and GA samples for certain job titles in the lower-exposure group had a GM of 0.235 mg/m3, a median of 0.245 mg/m3, with a range between ND (less than 0.12 mg/m3, based on an average sample volume) and 1.4 mg/m3. Of the 23 PBZ measurements for employees in this group, 8 reached or exceeded the CalOSHA PEL and ACGIH TLV of 0.5 mg/m3 TWA for inhalable flour dust. The inhalable flour dust concentrations for PBZ and GA samples in the higher-exposure group had a GM of 3.01 mg/m3, a median of 2.75 mg/m3, with a range between trace (between 0.12 and 0.42 mg/m3, based on an average sample volume) and 65 mg/m3. Of the 60 PBZ measurements for employees in this group, 56 reached or exceeded the CalOSHA PEL and ACGIH TLV for inhalable flour dust. Employees in the higher-exposure group had a significantly higher prevalence of work-related wheezing than those in the lower-exposure group (14.8% vs. 1.1%). They also had significantly higher prevalences of work-related runny nose, stuffy nose, and frequent sneezing. The higher-exposure group had a significantly higher prevalence of rash on their face, neck, hands, or arms in the month prior to the study. The prevalences of IgE specific to wheat, inhalable flour dust, and alpha-amylase were higher in the higher-exposure group at both the >/= 0.10 kU/L and the >/= 0.35 kU/L cutoffs, but the differences were not statistically significant. The prevalence of IgE specific to wheat was significantly higher among employees who reported either a current or past job in the higher-exposure group or in production at another bakery at both the >/= 0.10 kU/L and the >/= 0.35 kU/L cutoffs, and to flour dust and alpha-amylase at the >/= 0.10 kU/L cutoff, compared to the lower-exposure group. The prevalences of work-related wheezing were 3.5 times higher in employees sensitized to wheat than those who were not sensitized. This difference was statistically significant at the >/= 0.10 kU/L cutoff for IgE but was not significant at the >/= 0.35 kU/L cutoff. The prevalences of work-related runny nose was significantly higher among those sensitized to wheat at the >/= 0.35 kU/L cutoff, but not at the >/= 0.10 kU/L cutoff. We found no statistically significant differences in work-related symptom prevalences between those above and below the cutoffs for sensitization to alpha-amylase. Work-related runny nose was significantly more prevalent among those sensitized to flour than those who were not sensitized at the >/= 0.35 kU/L cutoff, but was not significant at the >/= 0.10 kU/L cutoff. Atopics (defined by a positive AlaTOP) were significantly more likely to be sensitized to wheat and flour dust at both the >/= 0.10 kU/L cutoff and >/= 0.35 kU/L cutoff, and to alpha-amylase at the >/= 0.10 kU/L cutoff. In conclusion, a health hazard exists at the Sara Lee Bakery in Sacramento, California, from exposure to flour dust and other BAA. Recommendations include implementing a variety of engineering and work practice controls, as well as the use of respiratory protection until these controls are implemented. Management should provide a medical surveillance program for employees exposed to BAA.
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