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Health Hazard Evaluations (HHEs)

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HHE Search Results

1060 HHE reports were found based on your search terms. Reports are listed in order of year published with the most recently published reports listed first.

Year Published and Title

(2010) Crystalline silica and isocyanate exposures during parking garage repair. (Click to open report)
On November 30, 2007, NIOSH received a request from managers at Aduddell Restoration and Waterproofing, Inc. for an HHE at the Ballston Mall Parking Garage in Arlington, Virginia. The managers wanted to know if the employees were adequately protected against silica and MDI during parking garage repair. Full-shift PBZ air samples for respirable particulates and silica were collected on four employees over 2 days. The amount of MDI monomer in a bulk sample of Part A and Part B was measured. We als... (Click to show more)

(2010) Isocyanate exposure during polyurethane foam application and silica exposure during rock dusting at an underground coal mine. (Click to open report)
NIOSH received a request for an HHE from the United Mine Workers of America, Local 1702 representing employees at the Consolidation Coal Company Blacksville #2 Mine in Blacksville, West Virginia. The HHE request concerned potential exposure to MDI during the application of polyurethane foam and exposure to silica and asbestos during rock dusting. In an initial evaluation on March 31, 2009, we sampled the surface of the foam applicator gun for MDI contamination and collected bulk samples of the r... (Click to show more)

(2010) Metal and carbon monoxide exposures during steel slab cutting and slitting - Indiana. (Click to open report)
In January 2008, NIOSH received an HHE request from the United Steelworkers concerning metal dust and fume exposure from the semi-automated No. 1 caster/slitter operation at an Indiana steel mill. Health concerns listed on the request included bloody nose and dirty nasal passages. We met with employer and employee representatives and observed work processes, practices, and workplace conditions on April 2-4, 2008. We reviewed the results of previous environmental sampling conducted by the steel m... (Click to show more)

(2010) Potential exposures at an electrolytic manganese dioxide processing plant. (Click to open report)
NIOSH received an HHE request from a representative of the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 369 at Erachem Comilog, Inc., in New Johnsonville, Tennessee. The requestors were concerned about exposure to cobalt and nickel in the filter mud, manganese dust in the production areas, and sulfuric acid mist in the cell rooms. The health effects reported were cancer, lung problems, skin and eye irritation, nausea, and exhaustion. We conducted site visits in October 2007, February 2008, a... (Click to show more)

(2010) Potential exposures during composite grinding at an aircraft manufacturing plant. (Click to open report)
NIOSH received a confidential request from employees for an HHE at the Prospect facility of Cessna Aircraft Company (Cessna) in Wichita, Kansas. The requestors were concerned about adverse health effects from exposure to paint and sealants, CO, and dust generated during grinding of composite and metal parts in D039 and D133. Health effects noted in the request were headaches, dizziness, fatigue, and abdominal pain. We evaluated the facility on January 23-24, 2008, to learn more about the manufac... (Click to show more)

(2010) Skin and respiratory symptoms in peanut inspectors with peanut dust and endotoxin exposure. (Click to open report)
On November 30, 2007, the GDPH submitted a request for technical assistance to NIOSH to address concerns about health symptoms in FSIS peanut inspectors who worked in the peanut grading room at Shann Peanut Company (Shann) in Ambrose, Georgia. FSIS employees began reporting irritation of the eyes, nose, respiratory tract, and skin; nausea; diarrhea; vomiting; headache; fever; and flu-like symptoms in middle to late October 2007. Prior to our evaluation, FDA and USDA analyzed peanut samples for f... (Click to show more)

(2009) Employees' chemical exposures while blending and repackaging glass beads for road markings. (Click to open report)
On October 16, 2007, NIOSH received a confidential employee request for an HHE at Weissker Manufacturing (Weissker) in Palestine, Texas. Employees were concerned about exposures to lead, arsenic, formaldehyde, and dust while handling reflective glass beads. Health problems listed on the request and attributed to the dust from the glass beads included glassy eyes, sore throat, body aches, and flu-like symptoms. Weissker imported the glass beads in Super Sack containers (2200-pound capacity fabric... (Click to show more)

(2009) Employees' exposures to welding fumes and powder paint dust during metal furniture manufacturing. (Click to open report)
On April 6, 2007, NIOSH received a confidential employee request for an HHE at Dehler Manufacturing, Inc., (Dehler) in Chicago, Illinois. Employees were concerned about exposure to welding fumes and dust from powder painting and grinding operations. During our initial site visit on June 28-29, 2007, we met with management and employee representatives; toured the facility; observed work processes, use of PPE, and existing engineering controls; and interviewed 10 employees. We collected bulk sampl... (Click to show more)

(2009) Evaluación de exposiciones de empleados a humo de soldadura y a polvo de pintura en polvo durante la fabricación de muebles metálicos. (Click to open report)
The performance of field portable direct-reading organic vapor monitors (DROVMs) was evaluated under a variety of experimental conditions. Four of the DROVMs had photoionization detectors (ppbRAE, IAQRAE, MultiRAE, and Century Toxic Vapor Analyzer), one had a flame ionization detector (Century Toxic Vapor Analyzer), and one was a single-beam infrared spectrophotometer (SapphIRe). Four of each DROVM (two Century Toxic Vapor Analyzers and SapphIRes) were tested. The DROVMs were evaluated at three ... (Click to show more)

(2009) Exposure to flour dust and sensitization among bakery employees. (Click to open report)
In May 2005, NIOSH received a confidential employee request for an HHE at the Sara Lee Bakery in Sacramento, California. The request concerned rashes, respiratory symptoms, and problems with ventilation and indoor environmental quality. In an August 2005 work site visit we met with management and union representatives, toured the plant, and held confidential medical interviews with employees. We observed potential exposure to flour dust and BAA and received reports of employees with work-related... (Click to show more)

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