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Health Hazard Evaluations (HHEs)

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HHE Search Results

1060 HHE reports were found based on your search terms. Reports are listed in order of year published with the most recently published reports listed first.

Year Published and Title

(2024) Exposure to lead during bullet recycling. (Click to open report)
Management of a lead bullet recycling company requested a health hazard evaluation to evaluate lead exposure among employees processing lead-containing bullets. We visited the facility on two occasions and completed the following activities: observed work processes, practices, and conditions; measured employees' lead exposure in air and throughout the facility; collected wipe samples for lead on surfaces outside of the warehouse; interviewed employees to learn about work history, health and safe... (Click to show more)

(2024) Exposures and health concerns in a dental clinic. (Click to open report)
Request: We received a management request for a health hazard evaluation at a dental clinic. The request stated concerns about idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). IPF is a serious long term lung disease that can cause permanent scarring in the lungs. IPF was first identified in a cluster of dentists reported in 2018. In response to the request, we performed an air sampling survey in August 2022 to evaluate potential exposures to respirable dust, respirable crystalline silica, respirable metals,... (Click to show more)

(2024) Mercury and noise exposure at a lightbulb recycler. (Click to open report)
Management at an electronics waste and lamp recycling facility requested a health hazard evaluation concerning employees' exposure to mercury, lead, and noise. During our two visits, we observed work processes, practices, and conditions, measured employees' exposure to mercury in air and the amount of mercury in employees' urine; interviewed employees to learn about work history and practices, health and safety concerns, personal protective equipment use, training, and possible work-related heal... (Click to show more)

(2024) Occupational exposures and indoor environmental quality in an underground cavern workplace. (Click to open report)
An employer representative of a warehouse facility, located in a former underground limestone quarry, requested a health hazard evaluation concerning employees' exposures to carbon monoxide, wood dust and other airborne particles, noise, and radon. During our visits, we (1) observed work processes, practices, and workplace conditions, and spoke with employees; (2) measured carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, temperature, and relative humidity, and radon; (3) collected air samples for wood dust, oth... (Click to show more)

(2024) Respirable dust and respirable crystalline silica exposures during asphalt mix production and road paving operations. (Click to open report)
Management from an asphalt mix production and paving company requested a health hazard evaluation concerning employee exposure to respirable dust and respirable crystalline silica during asphalt mix production and road paving activities. During our site visits, we observed work processes and practices, equipment type and usage, and workplace conditions; spoke with employees about the workplace, their job duties, and other tasks associated with their work; observed work practices within the produ... (Click to show more)

(2024) Silica exposures during drywall sanding. (Click to open report)
Management from a drywall finishing company requested a health hazard evaluation (HHE) concerning employee exposure to respirable crystalline silica (RCS) during drywall-sanding activities. For this HHE, we visited a hospital construction site. Sanding occurred approximately once every 4 days. The crew was made up of three drywall finishers. During our visit, we observed work processes and work practices, collected air samples for RCS and respirable dust, collected bulk samples of sanding dust a... (Click to show more)

(2023) Exposures to dust and noise at a pharmaceutical manufacturing facility. (Click to open report)
Management at a pharmaceutical manufacturing facility requested a health hazard evaluation of employees' exposures to pharmaceutical dust and noise during pharmaceutical manufacturing. During our visit to the facility, we observed work processes, work practices, and conditions; measured particulates in air during pharmaceutical manufacturing and packaging; took personal noise exposure measurements from workers involved in manufacturing and packaging pharmaceuticals; and measured sound levels thr... (Click to show more)

(2023) Occupational exposures and indoor environmental quality in an underground cavern workplace (superseded). (Click for full summary)
This document has been superseded and the new version can be found <a href=""target="_blank">here</a>. An employer representative of a warehouse facility, located in a former underground limestone quarry, requested a health hazard evaluation concerning employees' exposures to carbon monoxide, wood dust and other airborne particles, noise, and radon. During our visits, we (1) observed work processes, practices, and workplace conditions,... (Click to show more)

Contact us to obtain a copy of report HHE-2018-0181-3389.

(2021) Coccidioides exposure and coccidioidomycosis infections among warehouse and distribution employees. (Click to open report)
The Health Hazard Evaluation Program received a request from management of a warehouse and distribution facility concerned about the potential for work-related coccidioidomycosis, also known as Valley fever or "cocci." Several employees developed coccidioidomycosis in recent years. The warehouse and distribution facility consisted of multiple buildings on several hundred acres mostly surrounded by farmland. We interviewed employees about work characteristics, time spent outdoors at and outside o... (Click to show more)

(2021) Exposure to lead during residential water line replacement activities. (Click to open report)
The Health Hazard Evaluation (HHE) Program received a request from the employer of a city water department concerning lead exposure among crews replacing lead water lines servicing residential homes. This occurred after two employees received blood tests indicating elevated lead levels. In response to these findings, the employer implemented some measures to minimize lead exposures among employees and submitted an HHE request. In response to this request, we conducted confidential medical interv... (Click to show more)

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