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Health Hazard Evaluations (HHEs)

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HHE Search Results

1060 HHE reports were found based on your search terms. Reports are listed in order of year published with the most recently published reports listed first.

Year Published and Title

(1977) Owens-Illinois Glass Plant, Hapeville, Georgia. (Click to open report)
A Health Hazard Evaluation investigation was conducted by NIOSH on March 14-18, 1977, in the Forming and Selecting Departments of the Owens-Illinois Glass Container plant (SIC-3221) in Hapeville, Georgia. The survey was prompted by a request from an authorized representative of the approximately 500 affected employees contending that a previous NIOSH evaluation completed in April 1974 has considered sulfur-dioxide (7446095) exposure, but not sodium- sulfate (7757826) and other sulfur-dioxide dec... (Click to show more)

(1977) Port of Duluth-Superior Grain Elevators, Duluth, Minnesota and Superior, Wisconsin. (Click to open report)
A health hazard evaluation investigation was conducted by NIOSH at the grain elevators (SIC-4221) in the Port of Duluth-Superior in 1975-76, following a request by an authorized workers' representative alleging illness and complaints from a large number of workers due to chemicals and high dust levels. Elevator breathing zone exposures to chemical fumigants were nearly nonexistent; only trace of carbon-tetrachloride (56235) were detected at five of the elevators surveyed. Some elevator workers w... (Click to show more)

(1977) Purex Corporation, London, Ohio. (Click to open report)
Environmental and medical surveys were conducted on December 8, 1976, and February 14 and 15, 1977, to evaluate employee exposure to soap dust from soap impregnated steel wool pads at the Purex Corporation (SIC-3291, SIC-2841) in London, Ohio. The evaluation was requested by an authorized employee representative on behalf of the approximately 85 affected employees. All respirable dust samples were below the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) standard for nuisance d... (Click to show more)

(1977) St. Clair Rubber Company, Marysville, Michigan. (Click to open report)
Environmental and medical surveys were conducted on April 25 to 28, 1977, and October 26 and 27, 1977, to evaluate employee exposures to ethylene-thiourea (96457) (ETU) at the St. Clair Rubber Company (SIC- 2891, SIC-3069), in Marysville, Michigan. The evaluation was requested by an authorized representative of United Rubber Workers, Local 47, on behalf of 175 affected employees. Air samples were analyzed, and workers completed medical questionnaires and were given thyroid function tests. Hypoth... (Click to show more)

(1977) St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Washington, D.C. (Click to open report)
Environmental air samples were analyzed for asbestos (1332214) at Saint Elizabeths Hospital (SIC-8063) in Washington, D.C. on February 16 and 17, 1977. An evaluation request came from an authorized representative of the hospital on behalf of an unspecified number of construction workers under contract at St. Elizabeths Hospital as well as the general hospital staff. Asbestos concentrations with fibers greater than 5 microns in length ranged from 0.11 to 3.02 fibers per cubic meter (f/cc), compar... (Click to show more)

(1977) St. Joe Mineral Corporation, Herculaneum, Missouri (includes addendum). (Click to open report)
The medical program for lead (7439921) exposed workers at the Lead Smelting Division of the Saint Joe Mineral Corporation (SIC-3332), Herculaneum, Missouri, was evaluated after a request was received from an employee representative of the Teamsters Union Local 688. A NIOSH physician and a NIOSH industrial hygienist surveyed the corporation on July 26 and 27, 1977 and reviewed former OSHA air sampling, results, citations issued, and corporate abatement programs. Interviews were conducted with cor... (Click to show more)

(1977) Tee Printing, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. (Click to open report)
An evaluation was made of possible hazardous working conditions at the Tee Printing Company, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, following a request from an authorized representative of management. Particular attention was given to the presence of vinyl-chloride (75014) monomer in rubber based inks containing polyvinyl-chloride (9002862). At this facility silk screening was done on shirts in a three step operation. The inks used were all approximately equal mixtures of a plasticizer, often dioctylphthalate... (Click to show more)

(1977) Terminal B, Trans World Airlines, Inc., Kansas City International Airport, Kansas City, Missouri. (Click to open report)
A Health Hazard Evaluation investigation was conducted by NIOSH on August 16, 1977, at Terminal B, Trans World Airlines, Inc., Kansas City International Airport (SIC-4582), in Kansas City, Missouri. The survey was prompted by a request from an authorized representative of the approximately 250 affected employees regarding potential exposure to airborne asbestos (1332214) fibers. Employees exposure to airborne asbestos fibers was less than allowed by NIOSH's revised recommended standard. However,... (Click to show more)

(1977) The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company Plant No. 1, 1144 East Market Street, Akron, Ohio. (Click to open report)
A Health Hazard Evaluation Investigation was conducted by NIOSH at the Plant No. 1, Department 153-G, of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, in Akron, Ohio, on April 9 and September 16, 1975, acting on a request received from an authorized employee representive to the effect that exhaust of dust and paint fumes were polluting the workroom air. Based on environmental measurements, observations, medical studies and interviews with 16 of 30 affected employees it was determined that the solvent va... (Click to show more)

(1977) U. S. Custom House Indoor Firing Range, Pennsylvania. (Click for full summary)
A hazard evaluation and technical assistance survey of an indoor firing range (SIC-9999) at the Department of the Treasury, U. S. Customs House in Philadelphia, was conducted to evaluate both range design and the extent of shooter exposure to inorganic lead (7439921) generated while firing is reported. A total of 30 personal and area air samples were collected. Personal air samples for shooters ranged from 167 to 740 Pb/m3. The range officer was exposed to concentrations from 78 to 198 Pb/m3. Al... (Click to show more)

Contact us to obtain a copy of report TA-77-75.

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