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Health Hazard Evaluations (HHEs)

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HHE Search Results

1060 HHE reports were found based on your search terms. Reports are listed in order of year published with the most recently published reports listed first.

Year Published and Title

(1977) Fisher Body No. 2 Plant Grand Rapids, Michigan. (Click to open report)
A Health Hazard Evaluation investigation was conducted by NIOSH on March 16-17, 1977, at the departments of the Fisher Body No. 2 Plant, Grand Rapids, Michigan, where the sewing of seat covers and interior carpets for automobiles (SIC-2399) takes place. The evaluation was prompted by a request from an authorized employee representative regarding the exposure of approximately 100 affected employees to Typar, a material containing tris-2,3-dibromopropyl- phosphate (126727), and alleged cases of na... (Click to show more)

(1977) FMC Corporation - Chain Division, Indianapolis, Indiana. (Click to open report)
A Health Hazard Evaluation investigation was conducted by NIOSH on March 28-31, 1977, at the metal chain and gear manufacturing facilities (SIC-3462) of the FMC Corporation, Chain Division, in Indianapolis, Indiana. The evaluation was prompted by a request from an authorized employee representative regarding the exposure of approximately 156 affected employees to large amounts of powdered metal dust. Environmental sampling and employee interviewed concluded that employee exposure to airborne tot... (Click to show more)

(1977) FMC Corporation, Broomfield, Colorado. (Click to open report)
Acting on a request from the management, a Health Hazard Evaluation survey was conducted by NIOSH on August 27 and September 8, 1976 to determine the potential hazards associated with exposure to methanol (67561), ethyl-acetate (141786), isopropyl-alcohol (67630), trichloroethylene, acetone (67641), Freon-11-R, chloroform (67663), hydrochloric-acid (7647010), nitric-acid (7697372), aluminum-oxide (1344281), and hydrofluoric-acid (7664393) during the manufacturing of semiconductors (SIC-3674) at ... (Click to show more)

(1977) Franklin Electric Company, Bluffton, Indiana. (Click for full summary)
A Health Hazard Evaluation investigation was conducted by NIOSH at the Franklin Electric Company, a manufacturer of small electric motors (SIC-3621), gear reduction motors and submersible electric pumps, in Fluffton, Indiana, on March 2-3 and July 14, 1976. A union representative requested the investigation, being concerned with potential health problems in the plant's 24 "affected" employees, following a chemical explosion and a case of cardiac and composition of substances evaluated, it has be... (Click to show more)

Contact us to obtain a copy of report HHE-75-124-382.

(1977) Fuel Economy Engineering Company, Spurlock Power Station, Maysville, Kentucky. (Click to open report)
Acting on a request received from an authorized representative of employees regarding complaints of skin irritation, conjunctivitis, sore throat, trouble swallowing, nausea, dizziness, headache, chest tightness and difficulty breathing, a Health Hazard Evaluation was conducted by NIOSH at the facility for the manufacturing of glass- reinforced plastic pipe joints (SIC-3079) of the Spurlock Power Station, Maysville, Kentucky, on January 15, April 29-30 and June 22, 1976. The contaminants aerometr... (Click to show more)

(1977) General Electric Company, Appliance Park Louisville, Kentucky. (Click to open report)
A Health Hazard Evaluation investigation was conducted by NIOSH, at the Enamel Shop (SIC-3479) of the Range department at the General Electric Company, Louisville, Kentucky, on February 24-25, 1977, acting on a request from a group of employees regarding their exposure to recirculated dust arising from the application of a white enamel coating on kitchen range panels. Personal air samples collected form the breathing zones of 13 affected employees revealed that the levels of silica and total air... (Click to show more)

(1977) Great Lakes Research Corporation, Elizabethton, Tennessee. (Click to open report)
A Health Hazard Evaluation investigation was conducted by NIOSH at the Pilot Plant of Great Lakes Research Corporation in Elizabethton, Tennessee, which converts Orlon into carbon and graphite fibers, on June 24, 1976. An authorized employee representative requested the investigation regarding exposure of employees to Orlon carbonization by-products which might have caused discoloration of some workers' hair. Laboratory analyses failed to identify the presence of any unexpected contaminant or su... (Click to show more)

(1977) H.F.E. Inc., Ft. Collins, Colorado. (Click to open report)
A Health Hazard Evaluation investigation was conducted by NIOSH on February 1-2 and on May 17, 1977, at the H.F.E., Inc. plant in Ft. Collins, Colorado, a facility engaged in the manufacturing of farm equipment (SIC-3523) used primarily in the sugar beet industry. The evaluation was prompted by a request from an authorized management representative regarding employee exposure to welding fumes, paint spray and fork lift exhaust. Environmental sampling indicated that all employees were potentially... (Click to show more)

(1977) Hair Zoo Penfield, New York. (Click to open report)
Acting on a request from an authorized representative of the employees a Health Hazard Evaluation was conducted by NIOSH in the Nail Room at the Hair Zoo, Penfield, New York, on June 29, 1976, in order to determine whether exposures to monomeric methylmethacrylate (80626) vapors were posing a health hazard to the employees, because the employer and employees have been told by a competitor that the monomer was extremely harmful. On the basis of air sample results, employee interviews, and availab... (Click to show more)

(1977) Hersey Products Company, Inc., Gilbertville, Massachusetts. (Click to open report)
A Health Hazard Evaluation investigation was conducted by NIOSH on April 22, June 29-30 and July 1, 1976, at the Hersey Products Company, Inc., in Gilbertville, Massachusetts, a facility engaged in the founding of ferrous (SIC-3321) and non-ferrous castings (SIC- 3361). The evaluation was prompted by a request from the management regarding exposure of approximately 60 affected employees to vapors, gases, oxides, and particulates. Environmental evaluation revealed that the shell and no-bake core ... (Click to show more)

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