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Health Hazard Evaluations (HHEs)

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HHE Search Results

1060 HHE reports were found based on your search terms. Reports are listed in order of year published with the most recently published reports listed first.

Year Published and Title

(1977) Ajax Magnethermic Corporation, Warren, Ohio. (Click to open report)
A Health Hazard Evaluation investigation was conducted by NIOSH at the Ajax Magnethermic Corporation, a manufacturer of induction heating and melting systems (SIC-3567) such as for use in foundries, in Warren, Ohio, on December 6-7, 1976. An authorized employee representative requested the survey because the workers were complaining of headaches in certain areas of the facility. Environmental air sampling, confidential interview of seven of the 50 affected employees, evaluation of work procedure... (Click to show more)

(1977) Allied Chemical Corporation, Marcus Hook, Pennsylvania. (Click to open report)
A Health Hazard Evaluation investigation was conducted by NIOSH in the chromium nitrate production (SIC-2819) area of the Allied Chemical Corporation facility in Marcus Hook, Pa., on November 21, 1976. An authorized representative of the employees requested the investigation in order to determine whether any substances normally found in the work areas had potentially toxic effects in the prevailing concentrations. The employee exposure to hexavalent chromium, as measured during the survey, did c... (Click to show more)

(1977) Arapahoe Pattern Company, Englewood, Colorado. (Click to open report)
A Health Hazard Evaluation was conducted by NIOSH on September 28- 29, 1977, at the Arapahoe Pattern Company, Englewood, Colorado, a facility that manufactures wood patterns (SIC-3553) intended for foundry use. The survey was prompted by a request from an authorized representative of the 6 affected employees regarding potential exposures associated to wood pattern making. Analysis of breathing zone air samples revealed that the concentrations of methyl-ethyl-ketone (78933), isopropanol (67630) a... (Click to show more)

(1977) Artanis, Inc, New York, New York. (Click to open report)
Exposures to polychlorinated-biphenyls (1336363) (PCB) and solvents were surveyed at Artanis Offset, Inc. (SIC-2731) in New York, New York on December 1 and 2, 1976. The evaluation was requested by the company owner on behalf of an unspecified number of workers. Samples were below OSHA standards of 50 parts per million (ppm) for cyclohexane (110827), 500ppm for petroleum naphthas, and 10ppm for benzene (71432). No PCBs were detected in the ink used by the printer, and atmospheric PCB concentrati... (Click to show more)

(1977) Certain-Teed Products, Inc., Richmond, California. (Click to open report)
A Health Hazard Evaluation investigation was conducted by NIOSH on September 29-30, 1976, to determine whether materials used in the production of asphalt shingles and rolled roofing materials (SIC- 2952) are toxic in the concentrations found at the Certain-Teed Products Corporation plant, Richmond, California. The evaluation was prompted by a request from an authorized employee representative regarding the exposure of approximately 50 affected employees to various toxic dusts and fumes. Environ... (Click to show more)

(1977) Certain-Teed Products, Inc., Tacoma, Washington. (Click to open report)
A Health Hazard Evaluation investigation was performed by NIOSH on October 12-13, 1976, and March 16 and 24, 1977, at the Certain-Teed Products plant in Tacoma, Washington, a facility engaged in the processing of felt and fibrous glass asphalt shingles (SIC-2952) and rolled roofing products. The survey was prompted by a request from an authorized representative of the approximately 20 affected employees to determine whether production materials are toxic as used or found. Environmental sampling ... (Click to show more)

(1977) Chemetron Corporation, Monticello, Indiana. (Click to open report)
A Health Hazard Evaluation investigation was conducted by NIOSH on August 8 and October 3, 1977, at the Chemetron Corporation in Monticello, Indiana, a producer of stick electrodes and dual shield cord wires for use in welding (SIC-3623). The survey was prompted by a request from an authorized representative of the approximately 50 affected employees regarding exposure to asbestos (1332214), silica (7631869), and chromates. Reported symptoms included shortness of breath, exhaustion and tension. ... (Click to show more)

(1977) Corrugated Paper Company, Westboro, Massachusetts. (Click to open report)
A Health Hazard Evaluation investigation was conducted by NIOSH on November 16-18, 1976 at The Corrugated Paper Company, Westboro, Massachusetts. The request regarding possible employee exposure to paper dust in the manufacture of shipping containers (SIC-2649) was made by the employer himself. Sampling of the air in the work place and a review of the confidential health questionnaires completed by 15 of the 40 affected workers indicated that excessive exposures to paper dust and starch dust (nu... (Click to show more)

(1977) DAP Derusto, Inc. Tipp City, Ohio. (Click to open report)
A Health Hazard Evaluation investigation was conducted by NIOSH on September 2, 1977, at the DAP Derusto plant, in Tipp City, Ohio, a facility involved mainly in the manufacture of paints (SIC-2851) and to a lesser extent with other coatings, glues and cleaners. The survey was prompted by a request from an authorized representative of the approximately 50 affected employees regarding exposure to solvents, dusts and ammonia (7664417). Environmental sampling revealed that the levels of mineral spi... (Click to show more)

(1977) Domore Office Furniture, Inc., Elkhart, Indiana. (Click to open report)
Acting on a request from an authorized representative of local 15206 of the United Steelworkers of America regarding employees exposure to rust-lick, a water soluble chemical and rust inhibitor which reportedly produced headache, dizziness, loss of coordination and nausea, a health hazard evaluation survey was conducted by NIOSH at Domore Office Furniture (SIC-2522), Inc., Elkhart, Indiana, on September 22 and December 14, 1976. The company is engaged in manufacturing various types of office fur... (Click to show more)

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