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Health Hazard Evaluations (HHEs)

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HHE Search Results

1060 HHE reports were found based on your search terms. Reports are listed in order of year published with the most recently published reports listed first.

Year Published and Title

(1978) Purex Corporation, London, Ohio. (Click to open report)
In response to a request by the Purex Corporation, London, Ohio, which manufactures steel wool soap pads (SIC-3291), a follow up study was made of a possible health hazard at the facility. Personal and area air samples were analyzed for total and respirable dust, and 25 workers from the original evaluation were tested for pulmonary function. Eleven workers (ten female, one male, mean age 44 years) had abnormal pulmonary function for at least one tested parameter. No medical or smoking related ex... (Click to show more)

(1978) Redfield Company, Denver, Colorado. (Click to open report)
Environmental and personal air samples were analyzed for the presence of free silica (7631869) at the Redfield Company (SIC-3832) in Denver, Colorado on September 26 and 27, 1977. The survey was requested by the employer on behalf of about 320 employees. Air samples were analyzed for total nuisance particles, respirable particles, and silica. No exposures exceeded the OSHA criteria of 5 milligrams per cubic meter for respirable or total nuisance particles, and no free silica was detected. High v... (Click to show more)

(1978) Sidal Aluminum Corporation, Springfield, Massachusetts. (Click to open report)
A hazard evaluation and technical assistance report of an industrial hygiene survey conducted at the Sidal Aluminum Corporation in Springfield, Massachusetts, is presented. The company manufactures highway signs (SIC-3993). Personal and area samples were collected for isopropyl-alcohol (67630), benzene (71432), toluene (108883), n- butyl-alcohol (71363), xylene (1330207), cellosolve-acetate (9004357), triethylamine (121448), total dust, and nitric-acid (7697372). The airborne concentrations meas... (Click to show more)

(1978) Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. (Click to open report)
A hazard evaluation and technical assistance survey of levels of airborne asbestos (1332214) at the Smithsonian Institution's Silver Hill, Maryland, Tract B facilities (SIC-9999) is reported. A total of 36 personal and general area air samples were collected on millipore filters. Samples were taken during separate time periods under three conditions: 1) the undisturbed building; 2) during simulated rain; and 3) after simulated rain. In an undisturbed empty condition, except for one location, the... (Click to show more)

(1978) Stearns and Foster Mattress Factory, Lockland and Mason Plants, Cincinnati, Ohio. (Click to open report)
Environmental and medical surveys were conducted on April 4, 5, 18 and 19, 1977 to evaluate employee exposures to cotton-dust at the Stearns and Foster Mattress Factories (SIC-2515) in Lockland and Mason, Ohio. The evaluation was requested by an unspecified number of factory workers on behalf of the 75 workers employed at the two factories. Dust concentrations in all departments at the Lockland facility were greater than those in the respective departments at the Mason facility. The sorting and ... (Click to show more)

(1978) U.S. Steel South Works, Chicago, Illinois. (Click to open report)
An occupational and medical questionnaire, chest examination, and pulmonary function tests, were completed on 70 foundry workers to determine any health hazards caused by exposure to silica dust at U.S. Steel South Works (SIC-3312) in Chicago, Illinois on April 19 to 21, 1978. An unidentified source requested the evaluation to investigate the possible occurrence of silicosis among the workers. Nine cases of silicosis were identified through the medical evaluation. Other disorders included allerg... (Click to show more)

(1978) United Parcel Service, Latham, New York. (Click to open report)
Employee exposures to total and respirable nuisance dust were determined on February 22 and 23, 1978 at United Parcel Service (SIC- 7331) in Latham, New York. The Chief Steward of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 294 requested the evaluation of behalf of approximately eight affected employees. Some workers completed a nondirected medical questionnaire. Environmental total and respirable dust concentrations were well below the respective OSHA standards of 15 and 5 milligrams per c... (Click to show more)

(1978) Welding operations, utilizing asbestos in a strip mining company. (Click to open report)
Worker exposures to asbestos (1332214) in the use of welding rods and insulation pads were determined at the Consolidation Coal Company (SIC-1111), Egypt Valley Mine, in Cadiz, Ohio, on August 8 and 9, 1978. None of the welding rods in use contained any asbestos. The insulation pads in use were also free of asbestos. The author recommends that nonasbestos materials be used whenever possible, and that a Materials Safety Data Sheet (OSHA 20) be requested on all materials used by the company to asc... (Click to show more)

(1978) Weyerhaeuser Co., Longview, Washington. (Click to open report)
Worker exposure to wood dusts were evaluated at the shake mill, new planer, old planer, bark, pres-tock, presto-log, plywood and resin areas of the Weyerhaeuser Company (SIC-2435) in Longview, Washington. Environmental samples were collected for analysis, and employees were interviewed and given physical evidence of occupational asthma due to western and red cedar wood dust exposure; the average dust concentration in 85 breathing zone samples was 4.72 milligrams per cubic meter (mg/cu m). Among ... (Click to show more)

(1977) Airtex Products, Fairfield, Illinois. (Click to open report)
A Health Hazard Evaluation investigation was conducted by NIOSH on March 2-3, 1977, at the Airtex Products plant, in Fairfield, Illinois, a facility engaged in the manufacture of automobile replacement parts (SIC-3714). The survey was prompted by a request from an authorized representative of the about 200 affected employees regarding exposure to solvents. Environmental air samples, employee interviews, evaluation of ventilation systems and available toxicity information lead to the conclusion t... (Click to show more)

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