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HHE Search Results
1060 HHE reports were found based on your search terms. Reports are listed in order of year published with the most recently published reports listed first.
Year Published and Title
(1979) University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, Connecticut. (Click for full summary) Environmental samples were analyzed and smoke bomb tests were performed at the University of Connecticut Health Center (SIC-8011) Farmington, Connecticut on June 19 to 21, 1978, to determine the source of an odor problem and employee exposure to toxic concentrations of airborne contaminants. The evaluation was requested by the management on behalf of an unspecified number of employees. Atmospheric samples for metals were collected on membrane filters, and nickel-carbonyl (13463393) samples were ... (Click to show more)Environmental samples were analyzed and smoke bomb tests were performed at the University of Connecticut Health Center (SIC-8011) Farmington, Connecticut on June 19 to 21, 1978, to determine the source of an odor problem and employee exposure to toxic concentrations of airborne contaminants. The evaluation was requested by the management on behalf of an unspecified number of employees. Atmospheric samples for metals were collected on membrane filters, and nickel-carbonyl (13463393) samples were collected through activated charcoal. Atmospheric samples for amines, mercury (7439976) and organics were collected through silica gel tubes, iodine impregnated charcoal and activated charcoal, respectively. Airborne contaminant concentrations all were well below OSHA standards of 1.0 milligram per cubic meter (mg/Cu m) for copper (7440508) dust and 0.1mg/Cu m for copper fumes, 0.01mg/Cu m for mercury, 0.007mg/Cu m for nickel-carbonyl, 750mg/Cu m for toluene (108883), and 435mg/Cu m for xylene (1330207). Fourteen different metals were found on used air conditioning filters. One of two brands of paint used to paint walls shortly before the survey contained mercury. Smoke bomb tests showed that contaminated air from roof exhaust outlets could reenter the facility. The investigators conclude that employees are not exposed to toxic concentrations of airborne contaminants and the odor problems probably are caused by contaminant reentry into the center. They recommend a comprehensive ventilation study, and monitoring and use of ventilation when toxic materials are handled.
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(1979) Warminster Fiberglass, Southhampton, Pennsylvania. (Click to open report) Environmental surveys and employee interviews were conducted on November 14 and 15, 1977, and July 24 to 28, 1978, to evaluate complaints of irritating fumes causing eye, nose, throat, and skin irritations to fiberglass assemblers at Warminster Fiberglass (SIC- 3296) in Southhampton, Pennsylvania. The evaluation was requested by the employer on behalf of approximately 80 affected employees. Styrene (100425) concentrations during the initial survey ranged from 200 to 400 parts per million (ppm), ... (Click to show more)Environmental surveys and employee interviews were conducted on November 14 and 15, 1977, and July 24 to 28, 1978, to evaluate complaints of irritating fumes causing eye, nose, throat, and skin irritations to fiberglass assemblers at Warminster Fiberglass (SIC- 3296) in Southhampton, Pennsylvania. The evaluation was requested by the employer on behalf of approximately 80 affected employees. Styrene (100425) concentrations during the initial survey ranged from 200 to 400 parts per million (ppm), exceeding the 100 ppm OSHA standard. Reported employee symptoms were consistent with symptoms caused by styrene overexposure. Methylethyl ketone peroxide (MEKO) concentrations ranged from none detected to 13 milligrams per cubic meter (mg/m3), exceeding the 1.5mg/m3 American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists Threshold Limit Value as measured during spray up fabrication. Peak levels of styrene exceeded the 600ppm OSHA standard for peak measurements in two instances. The 200ppm OSHA ceiling for 5 minute exposure was equalled in one sample. The author concludes that workers were exposed to potentially toxic concentrations of MEKO and styrene vapor and less significant concentrations of acetone vapors. The author recommends that one of the ventilation systems be improved, that the practice of removing dust using compressed air be discontinued and replaced with a vacuum system, and that two work stations be relocated so as to be directly in front of the exhaust hoods.
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(1978) Beech Aircraft Corporation, Boulder, Colorado. (Click to open report) Bulk samples were collected and analyzed on August 23, 1978, to evaluate the asbestos (1332214) content in sprayed on insulation used at the Beech Aircraft Corporation (SIC-3728) in Boulder, Colorado. The evaluation was requested by an employee representative on behalf of 20 affected workers. Bulk insulation samples were taken from different buildings. No asbestos was found in any of the samples. The author concludes that no health hazard existed at the time of the survey, and recommends that th... (Click to show more)Bulk samples were collected and analyzed on August 23, 1978, to evaluate the asbestos (1332214) content in sprayed on insulation used at the Beech Aircraft Corporation (SIC-3728) in Boulder, Colorado. The evaluation was requested by an employee representative on behalf of 20 affected workers. Bulk insulation samples were taken from different buildings. No asbestos was found in any of the samples. The author concludes that no health hazard existed at the time of the survey, and recommends that the insulation be removed if it comes loose from walls and ceilings.
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(1978) Bethlehem Steel Corporation, Lackawanna, New York. (Click to open report) Environmental surveys were conducted on July 18 to 20, 1978 to evaluate potential health hazards in the rolling mill at the Bethlehem Steel Corporation (SIC-3547) facility in Lackawanna, New York. The evaluation was requested by a representative of the United Steelworkers of America, Local 2603, on behalf of approximately 200 affected employees. Environmental sample concentrations for total particulates iron oxide (1309371), chromium (7440473), molybdenum (7439987), lead (7439921), manganese (74... (Click to show more)Environmental surveys were conducted on July 18 to 20, 1978 to evaluate potential health hazards in the rolling mill at the Bethlehem Steel Corporation (SIC-3547) facility in Lackawanna, New York. The evaluation was requested by a representative of the United Steelworkers of America, Local 2603, on behalf of approximately 200 affected employees. Environmental sample concentrations for total particulates iron oxide (1309371), chromium (7440473), molybdenum (7439987), lead (7439921), manganese (7439965), copper (7440508) fumes, tin-oxide, zinc-oxide (1314132), and carbon-monoxide (124389), were below the evaluation criteria. The author concludes that no hazard existed at the time of this survey. He recommends that voluntary periodic blood lead analyses be made available to employees and that tests be conducted to determine sulfur dioxide exposures.
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(1978) C F & I Steel, Pueblo, Colorado. (Click to open report) Exposures to iron ore dust, lead (7439921), crystalline- silica (14808607), and total particulates were evaluated on June 6 to 8, 1978 in the ore handling department at the C. F. and I. Steel Company (SIC-3312) in Pueblo, Colorado. An evaluation request came from the United Steel Workers of America on behalf of approximately 200 affected workers. Concentration of iron ore dust and total particulates in the work environment exceeded the OSHA standards of 10 milligrams per cubic meter (mg/m3) for ... (Click to show more)Exposures to iron ore dust, lead (7439921), crystalline- silica (14808607), and total particulates were evaluated on June 6 to 8, 1978 in the ore handling department at the C. F. and I. Steel Company (SIC-3312) in Pueblo, Colorado. An evaluation request came from the United Steel Workers of America on behalf of approximately 200 affected workers. Concentration of iron ore dust and total particulates in the work environment exceeded the OSHA standards of 10 milligrams per cubic meter (mg/m3) for each contaminant. Only one of five samples for crystalline silica exceeded the OSHA standard of 10 milligrams per meter divided by the percentage of respirable quartz plus 2. The results of the lead determinations were not included. Workers reported symptoms compatible with excessive exposure to iron ore dust. The author concludes that a health hazard does exist at this company. Recommendations are included for respirator use, workplace hygiene, and improved ventilation.
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(1978) Chalfant Manufacturing Company, 1000 W. River Road, Elyria, Ohio. (Click to open report) Environmental and medical surveys were conducted on December 21, 1977, and March 28 and 29, 1978 to investigate illnesses among employees from the welding and painting operations at Chalfant Manufacturing Company (SIC-3443) in Elyria, Ohio. The evaluation was requested by an authorized employee representative of the Upholsterer's Union Local 48 on behalf of the approximately 11 affected employees. Samples analyzed for zinc-oxide (1314132), aluminum (7429905), iron-oxide (1309371), cadmium (74404... (Click to show more)Environmental and medical surveys were conducted on December 21, 1977, and March 28 and 29, 1978 to investigate illnesses among employees from the welding and painting operations at Chalfant Manufacturing Company (SIC-3443) in Elyria, Ohio. The evaluation was requested by an authorized employee representative of the Upholsterer's Union Local 48 on behalf of the approximately 11 affected employees. Samples analyzed for zinc-oxide (1314132), aluminum (7429905), iron-oxide (1309371), cadmium (7440439), xylene (1330207), acetone (67641), and beryllium (7440417) were below evaluation criteria. Copper (7440508) fume concentrations ranged from 0.1 to 1.5 milligrams per cubic meter (mg/m3), exceeding the OSHA standard of 0.1mg/m3, and total dust concentrations ranged from 12.4 to 18.2mg/m3, exceeding the OSHA standard of 15mg/m3. Ozone concentrations ranged from 0.005 to 1.0 parts per million (ppm) during welding, exceeding the OSHA standard of 0.1ppm. Interviewed workers reported work associated symptoms, with worse symptoms when the welding process involved galvanized steel. The authors conclude that a health hazard exists for the welders, and spray painters may have been exposed to excessive solvent vapors when painting in poorly ventilated areas. They recommend that local exhaust ventilation be installed in all welding locations and that welding curtains be installed to protect other workers from flash burns.
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(1978) Chicago Tribune, Chicago, Illinois. (Click to open report) Environmental and medical surveys were conducted on May 3 and 4, and September 29 and 30, 1977, to evaluate exposures to airborne ink mist at the Chicago Tribune (SIC-2711) in Chicago, Illinois. The evaluation was requested by the Business Representative for the Chicago Web Pressmans Union Number 7 on behalf of 350 pressmen, Junior Pressmen, and Apprentice Pressmen working in the pressroom. Many of the complaints and health problems reported by employees were not associated with ink mist exposur... (Click to show more)Environmental and medical surveys were conducted on May 3 and 4, and September 29 and 30, 1977, to evaluate exposures to airborne ink mist at the Chicago Tribune (SIC-2711) in Chicago, Illinois. The evaluation was requested by the Business Representative for the Chicago Web Pressmans Union Number 7 on behalf of 350 pressmen, Junior Pressmen, and Apprentice Pressmen working in the pressroom. Many of the complaints and health problems reported by employees were not associated with ink mist exposure. One personal sample exceeded the OSHA standard of 5 milligrams per cubic meter (mg/m3) for ink mist. Oil mist combined with ink mist during roller lubrication generated excessive mist exposure for the pressman. Airborne trace metals were below hazardous concentrations. Atmospheric sampling and analysis of black ink did not reveal the presence of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons. Benzidine (92875) and 3,3'-dichlorobenzidine (91941) were not detected in the atmospheric yellow ink mist samples. The concentration and composition of the airborne paper dust was not considered hazardous. The author concludes that inhalation of ink mist and paper dust at the concentrations found in the pressroom did not pose a health hazard at the time of the surveys. Precautions should be taken to minimize exposure of the pressmen to ink mist generated by operating presses, pressmen should wear the disposable single use mist masks when servicing operating printing units, that pressmen who come in contact with inks should be instructed to wash their hands before smoking or eating, kerosene should be stored in fire resistant safety containers with self closing lids, and cleanup personnel should be provided with protective clothing.
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(1978) Chilton Metal Products, Chilton, Wisconsin. (Click to open report) Environmental and medical surveys were conducted on December 14, 1977, April 18 to 20, 1978, and May 18, 1978, to evaluate employee exposure to potentially toxic substances at Chilton Metal Products (SIC-3291) in Chilton, Wisconsin. The evaluation was requested by an authorized employee representative on behalf of the 300 affected employees. Carbon-monoxide (630080) concentrations ranged from 41 to 118 parts per million (ppm) for short term detectors and from 25 to 106ppm for long term detectors... (Click to show more)Environmental and medical surveys were conducted on December 14, 1977, April 18 to 20, 1978, and May 18, 1978, to evaluate employee exposure to potentially toxic substances at Chilton Metal Products (SIC-3291) in Chilton, Wisconsin. The evaluation was requested by an authorized employee representative on behalf of the 300 affected employees. Carbon-monoxide (630080) concentrations ranged from 41 to 118 parts per million (ppm) for short term detectors and from 25 to 106ppm for long term detectors, exceeding the 50ppm OSHA standard. Chlorodifluoromethane (75456) (Freon-22) concentrations ranged from 2,906 to 3,146ppm, exceeding the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienist standard of 1,000ppm. All other environmental samples were below their respective criteria. The author concludes that workers are exposed to hazardous concentrations of carbon-monoxide. The Freon-22 concentrations present a potential exposure hazard. The author recommends that exposure to carbon-monoxide be reduced through conversion of gasoline powered lift trucks to low pressure gas or the use of catalytic converters, that the ventilation system be modified, that an exhaust ventilation system be completed at the bottled gas filling apparatus, and that present exhaust ventilation systems be changed.
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(1978) City of Springdale, Indoor Firing Range. (Click for full summary) A series of hazard evaluation and technical assistance surveys to evaluate the effectiveness of ventilation and the risk of exposure to inorganic lead (7439921) to shooters and workers at an indoor firing range (SIC-9999) in Springdale, Ohio, are reported. Personal air samples obtained at the first survey were 2.7 to 6.2mg/m3 (mean 5.1mg/m3). Modifications in the ventilation system were carried out and shooters were made to use copper (7440508) jacketed slugs. At the second survey personal air l... (Click to show more)A series of hazard evaluation and technical assistance surveys to evaluate the effectiveness of ventilation and the risk of exposure to inorganic lead (7439921) to shooters and workers at an indoor firing range (SIC-9999) in Springdale, Ohio, are reported. Personal air samples obtained at the first survey were 2.7 to 6.2mg/m3 (mean 5.1mg/m3). Modifications in the ventilation system were carried out and shooters were made to use copper (7440508) jacketed slugs. At the second survey personal air lead concentrations ranged from less than 0.02 to 0.10mg/m3, which are within the acceptable levels. Analysis for air copper concentrations showed no detectable levels at the 0.02mg/m3 level.
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(1978) Colorado-Ute Electric Association, Hayden, NUCLA, and Montrose, Colorado. (Click to open report) Environmental and medical surveys were conducted from March 21 to 23, 1978, to evaluate potential exposures to coal dust during the operation and maintenance of power facilities of the Colorado Ute Electric Association (SIC-4911) in Hayden, Nucla, and Montrose, Colorado. The evaluation was requested by a representative of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 111, on behalf of approximately 80 affected employees. At the Hayden facility, excessive concentrations of crystallin... (Click to show more)Environmental and medical surveys were conducted from March 21 to 23, 1978, to evaluate potential exposures to coal dust during the operation and maintenance of power facilities of the Colorado Ute Electric Association (SIC-4911) in Hayden, Nucla, and Montrose, Colorado. The evaluation was requested by a representative of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 111, on behalf of approximately 80 affected employees. At the Hayden facility, excessive concentrations of crystalline silica (14808607), ranging from 0.0 to 0.06 milligrams per cubic meter (mg/m3) exceeded the OSHA standard of 10 milligrams per meter divided by the percentage of respirable quartz plus 2. Total coal dust concentrations also exceeded the 2.0mg/m3 OSHA standard at the Hayden facility. Concentrations of crystalline silica total coal dust, and fly ash, at the Nucla facility exceeded OSHA standards (fly ash standard was 15mg/m3). At the Montrose facility, concentrations of crystalline silica and respirable and total coal dust exceeded OSHA standards. The author concludes that a health hazard did exist at the three facilities, although the workers at the Hayden facility were adequately protected by respirators. The author recommends that respirators and a respirator program be initiated at the Nucla and Montrose facilities, that periodic coal dust monitoring be performed at all facilities, and that workers receiving dust exposures be periodically examined and X-rayed.
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