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Health Hazard Evaluations (HHEs)

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HHE Search Results

1060 HHE reports were found based on your search terms. Reports are listed in order of year published with the most recently published reports listed first.

Year Published and Title

(1982) Keokuk Steel Castings, Incorporated, Keokuk, Iowa. (Click to open report)
Health problems among workers at Keokuk Steel Castings (SIC-3321), Keokuk, Iowa were investigated. Survey was requested by the United Steelworkers of America. Environmental and medical studies were performed in March, 1981. A followup medical survey was conducted in March, 1982. Two personal breathing zone samples in the metal pouring area indicated exposure to carbon-monoxide (630080) (CO) at 58 and 94 milligrams per cubic meter (mg/m3). The NIOSH standard is 39mg/m3. Personal breathing zone sa... (Click to show more)

(1982) Kwik Kold, Kay Laboratories, Moberley, Missouri. (Click to open report)
An industrial hygiene and medical survey to determine airborne concentrations of total and respirable dust, nitrogen-dioxide (10102440) (NO2), nitrous-oxide (10024972) (NO), and carbon-monoxide (630080) (CO) was conducted. Employees at the Kwik Kold, Kay Laboratories (SIC-3842), Moberley, Missouri requested the survey which was conducted on April 15 and 16, and May, 1, 1981. Fifty two line workers reported concerns about respiratory and skin symptoms. Exposures for respirable particulate concent... (Click to show more)

(1982) Louisiana-Pacific, Mellen, Wisconsin. (Click to open report)
Worker exposures to veneer dryer emissions were surveyed on September 24 to 26, 1981 at Louisiana-Pacific (SIC-2435) in Mellen, Wisconsin. Evaluation was requested by the International Woodworkers of America, Local 4-335, for 68 workers. Air samples were analyzed for alpha-pinene (80568), beta-pinene (127913), abietec-acid (514103), pimaric-acid (127275), and tannic-acid (1401554). Drying area workers completed preshift and postshift medical symptom questionnaires. During oak drying, mean concen... (Click to show more)

(1982) McAlpin's Department Store, Cincinnati, Ohio. (Click to open report)
Worker exposure to dust during tearoff operations of old coal-tar pitch and petroleum pitch roofs was investigated. The survey resulted from a request by the United Union of Roofers, Waterproofers and Allied Workers and was performed on November 2, 1981 at McAlpin's Department Store, Cherry Grove Shopping Center (SIC-1761), Cincinnati, Ohio. About 10 workers were involved in the roof removal. Personal breathing zone total dust samples and a bulk dust sample were collected and analyzed. The bulk ... (Click to show more)

(1982) Mid-South Terminals Corporation, Memphis, Tennessee. (Click to open report)
Effects of exposures from the coal-tar pitch and petroleum-pitch transfer operations at Mid South Terminals Corporation (SIC-4463), Memphis, Tennessee were evaluated. Survey was requested by Local 1671 of International Longshoremen's Association and was performed in August and October, 1981. Sixty workers were employed at the terminal. Personal and area breathing samples were measured and work practices and equipment were evaluated. All coal-tar-pitch benzene (65996932) soluble exposures approxi... (Click to show more)

(1982) Mine I.D. No. 1800155, Allied Chemical Corporation, Green River Works, Green River, Wyoming. (Click for full summary)
In response to a request from the United Steelworkers of America, Local 15320, an evaluation was conducted of possible hazardous working conditions at Allied Chemical Company Green River Works (SIC- 1474), Green River, Wyoming. Trona mining was carried out at the site; the facility employed approximately 1,300 people, with about 1,000 of these being miners and maintenance personnel. An industrial hygiene survey was conducted over three shifts on 2 days. Ambient air samples were collected for tot... (Click to show more)

Contact us to obtain a copy of report MHHE-80-107.

(1982) Mylan Pharmaceuticals, Morgantown, West Virginia. (Click to open report)
Exposures to chlorthalidone (77361) (CTD) were investigated on May 18, 19, 28 and 29, 1981 at Mylan Pharmaceuticals Company (SIC-2834), Morgantown, West Virginia. Evaluation was requested by a representative of the Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers Union for 225 employees. Personal and area air samples were analyzed for CTD, dust, and methylene-chloride (75092) (MC). Medical questionnaires and tests were given to 10 CTD exposed workers and 10 comparisons. Total and respirable dust concentrations ... (Click to show more)

(1982) Olin Chemical Corporation, Lake Charles, Louisiana. (Click to open report)
Possible health hazards due to worker exposure to chlorinated isocyanurates at Olin Chemical (SIC-286), Lake Charles, Louisiana were investigated. The study was requested by Local 407 International Union of Operating Engineers and was performed on November 3 and 4, 1981. At the time of the survey about 90 workers were employed in production activities associated with packaging trichloroisocyanuric-acid (87901) (TCCA) and sodium- dichloroisocyanurate (2893789) (NaDDC). Personal breathing zone sam... (Click to show more)

(1982) Pacific, Gas and Electric-Geyers Facility, San Francisco, California. (Click to open report)
Hazardous exposures were investigated at Pacific Gas and Electric, Geysers Facility (SIC-493) in San Francisco, California on August 7, 1980. The evaluation was requested by an authorized representative of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 1245, on behalf of an unspecified number of workers concerned about incidences of heart attacks, colds, and other ailments. Personal and area air samples were analyzed, and medical questionnaires were sent to about 300 employees. Conce... (Click to show more)

(1982) Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Montoursville, Pennsylvania. (Click to open report)
Asbestos (1332214) exposures at the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation District Office (SIC-9621) in Montoursville, Pennsylvania were investigated. The survey was requested by AFSCME, AFL-CIO, Council 13, and was performed on February 2, 1982. Sampling for asbestos was conducted in areas which had a false ceiling or where the ceiling was sealed with three coats of paint. Bulk samples of settled dust, ceiling tile, and insulation were also examined for asbestos content. Area air samples we... (Click to show more)

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