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Health Hazard Evaluations (HHEs)

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HHE Search Results

1060 HHE reports were found based on your search terms. Reports are listed in order of year published with the most recently published reports listed first.

Year Published and Title

(1982) 101 Marietta Tower Building, Atlanta, Georgia. (Click for full summary)
In response to a request from employees of the U.S. Public Health Service, Region-IV, 101 Marietta Tower Building (SIC-9190), Atlanta, Georgia, an evaluation was made of eye irritation, sinus problems, and nasal congestion. Twenty nine floors in the 36 floor office building were leased by the General Services Administration for federal government offices. The only air contaminants found on sampling in the building were trace amounts of hydrocarbon vapors, possibly released from photocopy machine... (Click to show more)

Contact us to obtain a copy of report TA-80-122-1117.

(1982) Allis-Chalmers Corporation, West Allis, Wisconsin. (Click to open report)
In response to a request from a representative of Local 248 of the United Auto Workers, an evaluation of possible health hazards was made at the Allis-Chalmers Corporation (SIC-3321), West Allis, Wisconsin. Air samples were analyzed for free crystalline silica (7631869), carbon-monoxide (630080), and nickel (7440020), each of which was found to be present in excessive amounts in several areas of the facility. A second followup survey measured concentrations of metal fumes, dimethylethylamine (75... (Click to show more)

(1982) Armco Composites, Hartford City, Indiana. (Click to open report)
Occupational exposures to cured resin particulates, styrene (100425) monomer, and ergonomic stresses at Armco Composites (SIC-3079), Hartford City, Indiana were investigated. About 120 production employees work on site. The study was a result of a confidential request and was performed on March 1 and 12, and July 20 and 21, 1981. Air samples were analyzed and medical interviews were conducted with 29 workers and an ergonomic study was performed. Personal breathing zone time weighted average conc... (Click to show more)

(1982) Bookkeepers Tax Service, Incorporated, Lufkin Texas. (Click to open report)
Possible copper or solvent intoxication to the four employees of the Bookkeepers Tax Service (SIC-7299), Lufkin, Texas was investigated. The study was requested by the owners after employees had experienced a variety of symptoms including mucous membrane irritation, dizziness, and gastrointestinal problems. On October 4, 1980 investigators measured exhaust air flow, obtained soil and dust samples, and collected medical information. There was no evidence for solvent exposure or for copper fume or... (Click to show more)

(1982) Cincinnati Zoo, Cincinnati, Ohio. (Click to open report)
In response to a request from the Health Department of Cincinnati, an evaluation was made of exposures to silica (7631869) dust and bird droppings at the Cincinnati Zoo (SIC-8421), Cincinnati, Ohio, occurring among workers involved in cleaning the bird cages. There were six workers assigned to the aviary area. Sand covered floors of the cages were swept with brooms to remove bird droppings and other debris. The materials from the sweepings were then scooped into a screened bottom shaker box and ... (Click to show more)

(1982) City of Norwood, Norwood, Ohio. (Click to open report)
A request for technical assistance by the City of Norwood Health Department, Norwood, Ohio to determine the concentration of arsenic (7440382) in an old vacant building was received. The study was conducted on October 22 and November 5, 1981. In 1974, the site had been found to be heavily contaminated with arsenic. The source of the contamination was an arsenic-trioxide based rodenticide which had been mixed on site 40 years earlier. Fourteen dust samples were collected from various surfaces and... (Click to show more)

(1982) Colorado River Gin, Poston, Arizona, Plantation Gin, Poston, Arizona, Parker Valley Gin, Parker, Arizona. (Click to open report)
In response to a request from the Chairman of the Tribal Council, an evaluation was made of three cotton gins (SIC-0131) on the Colorado River Indian Reservation: the Colorado River Gin and Plantation Gin, Poston, Arizona, and Parker Valley Gin, Parker, Arizona. The potential short term and long term health effects for the approximately 10 to 18 workers at each gin site were of concern. Exposure to cotton dust, pesticide residue laden materials, nuisance dust, and noise were the primary concerns... (Click to show more)

(1982) Crane Company, Rogers, Arkansas. (Click to open report)
In response to a request from the United Steelworkers of America, Local 7178, an evaluation was made at the Crane Company (SIC-3362), Rogers, Arkansas for possible hazardous working conditions due to employee exposures to lead (7439921), iron-oxide (1309371), zinc- oxide (1314132), silica (7631869) and other dusts. Since engineering changes were due to be made at the facility, this investigation was delayed until these changes were in place. A total of 69 personal breathing zone and general air ... (Click to show more)

(1982) E.M.J.D. Corporation, Englewood, Colorado. (Click to open report)
Airborne dust concentrations were measured at the E.M.J.D. Corporation (SIC-3444) Englewood, Colorado on February 9, 1982. The facility manager requested the survey to evaluate 10 employees who were exposed to total particulate and metal dusts in the electronic sheet metal fabrication area. The entire facility employed 23 people. Breathing zone air samples were collected and medical questionnaires were completed. The 8 hour time weighted average (TWA) exposure to total airborne particulates rang... (Click to show more)

(1982) Electrodyne Company, Batavia, Ohio. (Click to open report)
Employee exposure to lead (7439921) at the Electrodyne Company (SIC- 3499) in Batavia, Ohio was investigated. The survey request came from the Vice President of the company who was concerned that 20 employees involved in the production of a millable magnetic material were dangerously exposed to airborne lead. An OSHA survey had found measured airborne lead concentrations above their permissible value of 50 micrograms per cubic meter. In addition, management requested assistance in designing and ... (Click to show more)

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