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Health Hazard Evaluations (HHEs)

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HHE Search Results

1060 HHE reports were found based on your search terms. Reports are listed in order of year published with the most recently published reports listed first.

Year Published and Title

(2015) Aerogel insulation particulate at a union training facility. (Click to open report)
The Health Hazard Evaluation Program received a request from an insulators union concerned with exposure to particulate released when handling aerogel insulation. Union members reported nosebleeds, upper respiratory tract irritation, and skin dryness. Two union employees provide training for over 200 apprentices and 800 journeymen per year at a training facility. The number of trainees has recently increased. We took personal air samples for components of aerogel insulation (amorphous and crysta... (Click to show more)

(2015) Erionite and silica exposure during forestry activities. (Click to open report)
A federal government agency requested a health hazard evaluation. The agency wanted to know about the hazards from erionite exposure. In some areas of the Custer National Forest where its employees worked, the agency knew or suspected the presence of erionite. Erionite is a mineral that occurs in nature in most areas in the western United States. Erionite fibers can cause health effects like those seen with exposure to asbestos. Crystalline silica is another mineral found in many geologic format... (Click to show more)

(2015) Indoor environmental quality and health concerns in a public elementary school. (Click to open report)
The Health Hazard Evaluation Program received a request from a union representing employees at an elementary school because of concerns about possible exposure to mold in the school building. In 2014, some elementary school employees went on medical leave reportedly because of illness from mold exposure after receiving results from fungal immunoglobulin G (IgG) blood tests and urine mycotoxin tests. Knowledge of these results prompted over 20 additional school employees to have their blood teste... (Click to show more)

(2015) Indoor environmental quality in a college teaching and administrative building. (Click to open report)
The Health Hazard Evaluation Program received a request from a college to evaluate employees' concerns about health symptoms that were believed to be related to the indoor environmental quality in a campus building. The building had a history of indoor environmental quality complaints, but was mostly unoccupied at the time of our visit in May 2013. During our visit, we looked for past or current water damage, water entering the building, and mold. We interviewed current and former college facult... (Click to show more)

(2015) Metal exposures in an electronic scrap recycling facility. (Click to open report)
The Health Hazard Evaluation Program received a request from a manager at an electronic scrap (e-scrap) recycling company. The request concerned potential exposure to metals, including lead and cadmium. The company employed about 80 individuals who processed and recycled computers, monitors, hard drives, televisions, printers, light bulbs, and other e-scrap. We evaluated the facility in April and June 2013. We (1) interviewed employees about their work practices, symptoms, and health concerns re... (Click to show more)

(2015) Occupational exposures at a drycleaning shop using SolvonK4. (Click to open report)
The Health Hazard Evaluation Program received a request from the managers of a drycleaning shop. The request concerned potential occupational exposures to the drycleaning solvent SolvonK4. We evaluated the drycleaning shop in May 2014. The shop was staffed by 10 full-time employees (pressers, tailors, and a cashier) and two owners. The pressers worked from 6 a.m. until they completed pressing for the day. The tailors worked from 12 p.m. to approximately 6 p.m. The shop drycleaned 20-40 loads per... (Click to show more)

(2015) Skin and respiratory symptoms among employees with exposure to metals, metalworking fluids, and noise at an orthopedic implant manufacturer. (Click to open report)
The Health Hazard Evaluation Program received a request from employees who were concerned about exposures to metalworking fluid mists, and metals at an orthopedic implant manufacturer. Our 2013 evaluation was in one building where 26 employees manufactured cobalt chromium femoral implants, titanium femoral stem implants, and plastic patellar implants. All employees were required to wear safety glasses and steel-toe boots; use of company-issued coveralls, earplugs, protective gloves, and respirat... (Click to show more)

(2014) A pilot assessment of occupational health hazards in the U.S. electronic scrap recycling industry. (Click to open report)
The Health Hazard Evaluation Program established an interagency agreement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to learn more about work-related health hazards and their control in the electronic-scrap (e-scrap, also called e-waste) recycling industry. This industry contributed approximately $20.6 billion to the U.S. economy in 2012, compared to less than $1 billion in 2002. Additionally, this industry sector employed more than 45,000 full-time employees, up from 6,000 employees in 2002.... (Click to show more)

(2014) Coccidioides exposures and coccidioidomycosis infections among prison employees. (Click to open report)
The Health Hazard Evaluation (HHE) Program received a request on behalf of a state correctional and rehabilitation agency and a state correctional health care services agency concerning potential employee exposure to the fungus Coccidioides at two state prisons in California. Coccidioidomycosis, also known as valley fever, is a disease caused by inhalation of spores of a fungus of the Coccidioides species, which grows in the soil in semiarid areas. The prisons are located in counties where the d... (Click to show more)

(2014) Employee exposures to Libby amphibole asbestos during forest management activities in the Kootenai National Forest. (Click to open report)
The Health Hazard Evaluation Program received a request from managers serving the Kootenai National Forest in Montana. The request concerned employees' potential exposure to Libby amphibole during forest management and fire suppression activities in an area surrounding a former vermiculite mine. The site has approximately 40 full-time employees, and up to 100 additional employees in the summer. Work shifts are typically 8-10 hours per day. Most of the work involves land management activities, in... (Click to show more)

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