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HHE Search Results
1060 HHE reports were found based on your search terms. Reports are listed in order of year published with the most recently published reports listed first.
Year Published and Title
(2015) Aerogel insulation particulate at a union training facility. (Click to open report) The Health Hazard Evaluation Program received a request from an insulators union concerned with exposure to particulate released when handling aerogel insulation. Union members reported nosebleeds, upper respiratory tract irritation, and skin dryness. Two union employees provide training for over 200 apprentices and 800 journeymen per year at a training facility. The number of trainees has recently increased. We took personal air samples for components of aerogel insulation (amorphous and crysta... (Click to show more)The Health Hazard Evaluation Program received a request from an insulators union concerned with exposure to particulate released when handling aerogel insulation. Union members reported nosebleeds, upper respiratory tract irritation, and skin dryness. Two union employees provide training for over 200 apprentices and 800 journeymen per year at a training facility. The number of trainees has recently increased. We took personal air samples for components of aerogel insulation (amorphous and crystalline silica, aluminum, iron, and titanium) while an instructor applied aerogel insulation. We looked at the shape, size, and size distribution of the airborne particulate released from handling aerogel insulation. Over two days, we observed the work practices of an instructor who handled aerogel insulation during training. We asked students, journeymen, and an instructor about exposure to aerogel insulation, use of personal protective equipment, medical history, symptoms, and personal hygiene practices while training at this facility and at their job site(s). Airborne exposures for amorphous silica approached occupational exposure limits, while crystalline silica, aluminum, iron, and titanium were below the most protective occupational exposure limits. Most of the particulate released during aerogel handling was respirable and can be inhaled deep into the lungs. Many participants who handled aerogel insulation reported upper respiratory tract irritation, or very dry or chapped skin. We recommended the instructors (1) educate staff and students about potential upper respiratory tract irritation and drying effects from prolonged exposure to aerogel insulation, (2) encourage staff and students to report work-related health problems to their supervisor, (3) explore alternative cleansers that are more effective than soap and water but will not contribute to skin drying, and (4) provide staff and students with personal protective equipment described in the manufacturer's safety data sheets.
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(2015) Erionite and silica exposure during forestry activities. (Click to open report) A federal government agency requested a health hazard evaluation. The agency wanted to know about the hazards from erionite exposure. In some areas of the Custer National Forest where its employees worked, the agency knew or suspected the presence of erionite. Erionite is a mineral that occurs in nature in most areas in the western United States. Erionite fibers can cause health effects like those seen with exposure to asbestos. Crystalline silica is another mineral found in many geologic format... (Click to show more)A federal government agency requested a health hazard evaluation. The agency wanted to know about the hazards from erionite exposure. In some areas of the Custer National Forest where its employees worked, the agency knew or suspected the presence of erionite. Erionite is a mineral that occurs in nature in most areas in the western United States. Erionite fibers can cause health effects like those seen with exposure to asbestos. Crystalline silica is another mineral found in many geologic formations. We took air samples and analyzed them for erionite and silica. We took rock and soil samples and analyzed them for erionite. We considered the samples positive for erionite when they met several criteria. One criterion was that the fibers were longer than 5 micrometers. Another was that the fibers had a length to width aspect ratio greater than 3:1. The final criterion was that the fibers contain silicon, aluminum, and at least one of the elements calcium, sodium, or potassium. We found erionite fibers in the air, rock, and soil samples. We did not find overexposures to respirable crystalline silica. But, some air samples taken during specific tasks contained silica.
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(2015) Indoor environmental quality and health concerns in a public elementary school. (Click to open report) The Health Hazard Evaluation Program received a request from a union representing employees at an elementary school because of concerns about possible exposure to mold in the school building. In 2014, some elementary school employees went on medical leave reportedly because of illness from mold exposure after receiving results from fungal immunoglobulin G (IgG) blood tests and urine mycotoxin tests. Knowledge of these results prompted over 20 additional school employees to have their blood teste... (Click to show more)The Health Hazard Evaluation Program received a request from a union representing employees at an elementary school because of concerns about possible exposure to mold in the school building. In 2014, some elementary school employees went on medical leave reportedly because of illness from mold exposure after receiving results from fungal immunoglobulin G (IgG) blood tests and urine mycotoxin tests. Knowledge of these results prompted over 20 additional school employees to have their blood tested for IgG to fungi. Some of these employees and their physicians interpreted their blood test results as meaning they had high levels of mold in their bodies. Other employees had recurring upper respiratory and sinus infections and throat and eye irritation that they attributed to their work environment. During our evaluation, we (1) checked for moisture, water damage, and mold inside the building and in the crawl spaces beneath the building, (2) evaluated the ventilation systems, (3) measured carbon dioxide, temperature, and relative humidity, and (4) asked employees about their work, medical history, and work-related health concerns. We found no moisture, signs of water damage, or mold in the school or crawl spaces, except for three classrooms with minor mold growth. Some classroom unit ventilators did not work, had incorrectly installed or missing air filters, or were blocked. Carbon dioxide levels were high in some classrooms. Our employee interviews and review of medical records found symptoms often associated with damp buildings or inadequate ventilation but that are common in the general population. We found no evidence that problems such as neuropathy, thrush, and cancer were related to the school. Lacking an explanation for all symptoms led some employees to seek answers from unvalidated medical tests. To address indoor environmental quality concerns, we recommended the school (1) stop environmental sampling and blood testing for molds and urine testing for mycotoxins; (2) hire a licensed professional mechanical engineer to assess the ventilation systems; (3) encourage employees to report water leaks or water damage; and (4) create a system for employees to report building concerns and to receive feedback on how issues were resolved. We recommended employees report work-related health concerns and see an occupational medicine physician about health problems they think may be work related.
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(2015) Indoor environmental quality in a college teaching and administrative building. (Click to open report) The Health Hazard Evaluation Program received a request from a college to evaluate employees' concerns about health symptoms that were believed to be related to the indoor environmental quality in a campus building. The building had a history of indoor environmental quality complaints, but was mostly unoccupied at the time of our visit in May 2013. During our visit, we looked for past or current water damage, water entering the building, and mold. We interviewed current and former college facult... (Click to show more)The Health Hazard Evaluation Program received a request from a college to evaluate employees' concerns about health symptoms that were believed to be related to the indoor environmental quality in a campus building. The building had a history of indoor environmental quality complaints, but was mostly unoccupied at the time of our visit in May 2013. During our visit, we looked for past or current water damage, water entering the building, and mold. We interviewed current and former college faculty, managers, and staff. We reviewed (1) ventilation system drawings and maintenance records, (2) reports from indoor environmental quality consultants, and (3) the college's summary of symptoms reported by employees and students. We found the ventilation systems to be well maintained, but airborne contaminants in the dental clinic could spread to other areas of the building. First, the return air from the dental clinic mixed with return air from offices and classrooms before recirculation. Second, the dental clinic was not under a consistent neutral or negative air pressure relative to surrounding areas, meaning that air from the dental clinic could flow to adjacent areas. We saw no evidence of current or past water damage, water entering the building, or mold. Most interviewed employees reported nonspecific symptoms common to workplaces and in the general population. We could not link these symptoms to any specific workplace exposure. One employee may have had a lung condition that could be caused by mold exposure. This employee worked in the building in 2001 when mold problems were found. Additional findings included: (1) some employees using portable ionizing air cleaners (a source of ozone and possibly associated with employee symptoms), and (2) a sewer pipe vented into a cabinet in the dental laboratory. We recommended the employer work with a ventilation engineer to change how return air is mixed and to improve airflow, check for open sewer vents inside the building, and stop sampling for chemical and biological agents to identify a cause for non-specific employee symptoms. We recommended the employees stop using portable ionizing air cleaners.
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(2015) Metal exposures in an electronic scrap recycling facility. (Click to open report) The Health Hazard Evaluation Program received a request from a manager at an electronic scrap (e-scrap) recycling company. The request concerned potential exposure to metals, including lead and cadmium. The company employed about 80 individuals who processed and recycled computers, monitors, hard drives, televisions, printers, light bulbs, and other e-scrap. We evaluated the facility in April and June 2013. We (1) interviewed employees about their work practices, symptoms, and health concerns re... (Click to show more)The Health Hazard Evaluation Program received a request from a manager at an electronic scrap (e-scrap) recycling company. The request concerned potential exposure to metals, including lead and cadmium. The company employed about 80 individuals who processed and recycled computers, monitors, hard drives, televisions, printers, light bulbs, and other e-scrap. We evaluated the facility in April and June 2013. We (1) interviewed employees about their work practices, symptoms, and health concerns related to work; (2) tested work surfaces, skin, and clothing for metals such as lead, cadmium, chromium, nickel, and mercury; and (3) tested employees' urine for cadmium and mercury and their blood for lead and cadmium. No employees reported work-related health problems. Exposure to lead was well controlled in the shred room as indicated by employee blood lead levels. However, two employees in the teardown area had elevated blood lead levels (at or above 10 µg/dL). Blood and urine cadmium levels were not elevated, and no mercury was detected in employees' urine. We found lead and other metals on the skin of employees at lunch and before going home. We also found metals on nonproduction work surfaces. Lockers stored personal items and food along with work clothing and personal protective equipment. Showers and laundered uniforms were only offered to the glass shredding employees. Workers unjammed scrap from equipment that was powered on and running. To address employee exposures to metals, we recommended the employer (1) include all employees exposed to lead in a lead prevention program, (2) install a clean locker room area for employees to store personal items and food, (3) provide scrubs, uniforms, shoe covers, and a contract laundering service for all employees exposed to lead, (4) require all employees exposed to lead to shower and change clothing before leaving work, and (5) increase the number of sinks for hand washing. We also recommended the employer follow lockout/tagout procedures to de-energize machinery before conducting troubleshooting, repairs, or maintenance. We recommended employees take a shower at the end of the shift, wash their hands before eating or smoking, and not wear or take work clothing or shoes home.
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(2015) Occupational exposures at a drycleaning shop using SolvonK4. (Click to open report) The Health Hazard Evaluation Program received a request from the managers of a drycleaning shop. The request concerned potential occupational exposures to the drycleaning solvent SolvonK4. We evaluated the drycleaning shop in May 2014. The shop was staffed by 10 full-time employees (pressers, tailors, and a cashier) and two owners. The pressers worked from 6 a.m. until they completed pressing for the day. The tailors worked from 12 p.m. to approximately 6 p.m. The shop drycleaned 20-40 loads per... (Click to show more)The Health Hazard Evaluation Program received a request from the managers of a drycleaning shop. The request concerned potential occupational exposures to the drycleaning solvent SolvonK4. We evaluated the drycleaning shop in May 2014. The shop was staffed by 10 full-time employees (pressers, tailors, and a cashier) and two owners. The pressers worked from 6 a.m. until they completed pressing for the day. The tailors worked from 12 p.m. to approximately 6 p.m. The shop drycleaned 20-40 loads per week, including five loads each day during our visit. We took air samples for butylal, the main ingredient in SolvonK4. We also took air samples for formaldehyde and butanol. These chemicals can be produced by SolvonK4. We measured temperature and relative humidity to learn about the risk for illnesses from the heat. We found butylal, but not formaldehyde or butanol, in the personal air samples from employees. We saw employees spraying and brushing pretreatment solutions onto fabrics. The employees did not wear gloves or eye protection. Although the shop had heating and air-conditioning, the front and back doors were opened to provide general dilution ventilation, as needed. The temperatures inside the shop ranged from 78 degrees F to 104 degrees F and the relative humidity range ranged from 21%-57%. Comparing our calculated heat indices to the OSHA guidelines for heat illness prevention, we noted that the risk of heat-related illness varied throughout the work day from low in the morning to high in the early and late afternoon. It was warmest in the pressing areas of the shop. Cool drinking water was available from a dispenser in the break area, and we saw employees drinking water during breaks and at lunch. We saw dust and lint in the shop, which can be a source of fuel if there is a fire. We recommended the employer (1) train employees to pour and brush pretreatments onto fabrics instead of spraying, (2) inspect and maintain the drycleaning machine according to the manufacturer's recommendations, (3) follow OSHA guidance on protecting employees from the effects of heat, (4) clean the shop regularly with a high efficiency particulate air vacuum cleaner or a wet mop, and (5) provide eye protection and chemical resistant gloves. We recommended the employees wear eye protection and chemical resistant gloves while pretreating fabrics and wash hands or exposed skin with soap and water after contact with chemicals, and wash their hands after removing gloves.
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(2015) Skin and respiratory symptoms among employees with exposure to metals, metalworking fluids, and noise at an orthopedic implant manufacturer. (Click to open report) The Health Hazard Evaluation Program received a request from employees who were concerned about exposures to metalworking fluid mists, and metals at an orthopedic implant manufacturer. Our 2013 evaluation was in one building where 26 employees manufactured cobalt chromium femoral implants, titanium femoral stem implants, and plastic patellar implants. All employees were required to wear safety glasses and steel-toe boots; use of company-issued coveralls, earplugs, protective gloves, and respirat... (Click to show more)The Health Hazard Evaluation Program received a request from employees who were concerned about exposures to metalworking fluid mists, and metals at an orthopedic implant manufacturer. Our 2013 evaluation was in one building where 26 employees manufactured cobalt chromium femoral implants, titanium femoral stem implants, and plastic patellar implants. All employees were required to wear safety glasses and steel-toe boots; use of company-issued coveralls, earplugs, protective gloves, and respirators was optional and varied by department. We observed work practices, measured noise levels, tested for metals and metalworking fluid mist, reviewed sampling records and written policies and procedures, collected urine from employees to check their cobalt and chromium levels, and surveyed employees about their health and work-related symptoms. We measured an overexposure to cobalt before the local exhaust ventilation system was improved. The improvements helped lower airborne cobalt levels. One air sample for hexavalent chromium was more than half the NIOSH REL. Cobalt and chromium levels in employee urine samples were low. Some surfaces in the break room were contaminated with cobalt, chromium, and aluminum. Noise exposures were above the OSHA and NIOSH limits. Air sample concentrations for metalworking fluids were low. We recommended the company improve engineering controls for protection from metals and noise exposures, start a hearing conservation program, improve employee training, and conduct medical evaluations for employees with persistent work-related symptoms. We also recommended the company stop employees from using compressed air to clean work clothing, stop using latex gloves, require nitrile glove use when skin contact with metalworking fluids or metal dust is possible, and encourage employees to report potential work-related health conditions to their supervisor.
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(2014) A pilot assessment of occupational health hazards in the U.S. electronic scrap recycling industry. (Click to open report) The Health Hazard Evaluation Program established an interagency agreement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to learn more about work-related health hazards and their control in the electronic-scrap (e-scrap, also called e-waste) recycling industry. This industry contributed approximately $20.6 billion to the U.S. economy in 2012, compared to less than $1 billion in 2002. Additionally, this industry sector employed more than 45,000 full-time employees, up from 6,000 employees in 2002.... (Click to show more)The Health Hazard Evaluation Program established an interagency agreement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to learn more about work-related health hazards and their control in the electronic-scrap (e-scrap, also called e-waste) recycling industry. This industry contributed approximately $20.6 billion to the U.S. economy in 2012, compared to less than $1 billion in 2002. Additionally, this industry sector employed more than 45,000 full-time employees, up from 6,000 employees in 2002. Currently, 25 states have laws mandating e-scrap recycling. As part of this interagency agreement, we surveyed a randomly selected sample of e-scrap recycling facilities nationwide to characterize work processes, exposures, controls, and health and safety programs. We contacted 278 e-scrap recycling facilities between September 2012 and April 2013. Forty-seven facilities completed the survey; a response rate of 17%. Because of the low response rate, this survey may not represent the U.S. e-scrap recycling industry. Surveyed facilities averaged 58 employees and most facilities had an industry certification. Surveyed facilities reported recycling a wide variety of electronics. The most common recycling processes were manual dismantling and sorting. Other processes included shredding, crushing, and automated separation. Most facilities reported having local exhaust or general ventilation, having a health and safety committee, and providing personal protective equipment for employees. Some facilities reported having environmental/ industrial hygiene monitoring and biomonitoring, using compressed air for cleaning, and allowing food and drinks in the production areas. E-scrap recycling has the potential for a wide variety of occupational exposures (e.g., metals, noise) particularly because of the use of manual processes. On-site evaluations of e-scrap recyclers are needed to determine if reported work processes, practices, and controls are effective and meet current standards and guidelines. Educating the e-scrap recycling industry about good health and safety practices, specifically related to safe handling of metal dust, would help protect employee health.
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(2014) Coccidioides exposures and coccidioidomycosis infections among prison employees. (Click to open report) The Health Hazard Evaluation (HHE) Program received a request on behalf of a state correctional and rehabilitation agency and a state correctional health care services agency concerning potential employee exposure to the fungus Coccidioides at two state prisons in California. Coccidioidomycosis, also known as valley fever, is a disease caused by inhalation of spores of a fungus of the Coccidioides species, which grows in the soil in semiarid areas. The prisons are located in counties where the d... (Click to show more)The Health Hazard Evaluation (HHE) Program received a request on behalf of a state correctional and rehabilitation agency and a state correctional health care services agency concerning potential employee exposure to the fungus Coccidioides at two state prisons in California. Coccidioidomycosis, also known as valley fever, is a disease caused by inhalation of spores of a fungus of the Coccidioides species, which grows in the soil in semiarid areas. The prisons are located in counties where the disease is considered hyperendemic. At the time of our evaluation in 2013, staff numbered over 1,300 in prison A and 1,500 in prison B. NIOSH investigators reviewed work and occupational health policies and practices, reviewed medical and work information for the coccidioidomycosis cases among prison employees, interviewed a convenience sample of 172 prison employees about their work practices and exposures, and looked at the ventilation systems in buildings where more employees worked such as clinics and offices and some inmate housing units. We identified 103 confirmed cases of coccidioidomycosis among prison employees over a 4½-year period (January 2009-June 2013). The crude average annual incidence was 1,039 cases per 100,000 employees for prison A and 511 cases per 100,000 employees for prison B over this time. However, we do not know if each confirmed case of coccidioidomycosis among prison employees was due to an exposure at work or outside of work. Interviews with employees revealed that they may be potentially exposed to Coccidioides in the outdoor work environment through soil disruption activities, being present during dust storms, and other outdoor activities. Employees may also be potentially exposed to Coccidioides during outdoor activities outside of work. Neither the written respiratory protection plans nor the aerosol transmissible diseases exposure control plans specifically discuss exposure to Coccidioides. Most of the offices and clinics were air-conditioned, temperature and relative humidity measurements were within established guidelines, and an adequate amount of outdoor air was being provided. However, some prison areas had airflow patterns that could result in entrainment of unconditioned outdoor air. Environmental control measures such as wetting soil before it is disturbed, maintaining grass on exercise yards, stabilizing soil, paving roads, improving building ventilation, and changing work practices (such as reducing time spent outdoors) would be expected to reduce dust exposures to varying degrees. However, none of these measures will eliminate exposure to Coccidioides, and their relative effectiveness in reducing occupational coccidioidomycosis is unknown. To address the potential for exposure to dust, NIOSH investigators recommended the employers (1) install door sweeps and seal gaps around doors and windows and ensure doors and windows are kept closed as much as possible; (2) ensure employees wet soil before disturbing it, and continuously wet it while digging; (3) consider closing the prison yards and advising inmates and employees to stay indoors during dust storms and unusually windy or dusty days; and (4) replace air filters in the ventilation systems as needed. NIOSH investigators also recommended the employers (1) provide education and training during work hours to all prison employees on coccidioidomycosis and ways to minimize exposure, (2) consider offering the coccidioidal spherulin skin test to employees when it becomes commercially available, (3) review injury and illness records for reports of coccidioidomycosis infections among prison employees to look for trends over time, and (4) encourage prison employees to report suspected symptoms of possible coccidioidomycosis to a supervisor.
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(2014) Employee exposures to Libby amphibole asbestos during forest management activities in the Kootenai National Forest. (Click to open report) The Health Hazard Evaluation Program received a request from managers serving the Kootenai National Forest in Montana. The request concerned employees' potential exposure to Libby amphibole during forest management and fire suppression activities in an area surrounding a former vermiculite mine. The site has approximately 40 full-time employees, and up to 100 additional employees in the summer. Work shifts are typically 8-10 hours per day. Most of the work involves land management activities, in... (Click to show more)The Health Hazard Evaluation Program received a request from managers serving the Kootenai National Forest in Montana. The request concerned employees' potential exposure to Libby amphibole during forest management and fire suppression activities in an area surrounding a former vermiculite mine. The site has approximately 40 full-time employees, and up to 100 additional employees in the summer. Work shifts are typically 8-10 hours per day. Most of the work involves land management activities, including civil engineering, trail and road maintenance, forest biology, fuels and timber management, hydrology, and wildland fire suppression. Our evaluation included (1) observing work activities and use of PPE, and (2) collecting and analyzing the samples for asbestos and Libby amphibole. We collected full shift and activity-based personal air samples on employees conducting various forest management activities; bulk samples of bark, duff, and soil; and wipe and vacuum samples from surfaces in the hydrology lab. Six of 109 personal air samples analyzed by PCM exceeded the occupational exposure limit of 0.1 f/cc; however, we found non-asbestos material that met the definition of a fiber on these samples. Of the 27 personal air samples evaluated by TEM, which included the six air samples exceeding 0.1 f/cc, six contained mineral fibers. Five of six contained richterite (one of the fibers that compose Libby amphibole), and one contained chrysotile (a serpentine form of asbestos). Of the five samples containing richterite, four were collected during fireline construction and one was collected during tree thinning. On the basis of these results, we found that employee exposures to Libby amphibole did not exceed occupational exposure limits during activities in the mine area. We detected no Libby amphibole in the bulk or surface samples. Employees wore respirators during trail maintenance and fuel reduction activities and completed a 3-stage decontamination; removed and discarded equipment and clothing, showered, and changed into street clothing. We recommended the employer (1) create a respirator program for employees working in the mine area, (2) periodically monitor employees' exposure to Libby amphibole, (3) analyze samples for Libby amphibole by electron microscopy in addition to current methods, (4) schedule dust generating work when the potential for dust generation is low, and (5) train employees on good work practices to minimize dust.
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