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Health Hazard Evaluations (HHEs)

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HHE Search Results

1060 HHE reports were found based on your search terms. Reports are listed in order of year published with the most recently published reports listed first.

Year Published and Title

(1985) Residences (Times Beach Flood Debris Cleanup), Times Beach, Missouri. (Click to open report)
Environmental and breathing zone samples were analyzed for 2,3,7,8- tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (1746016) (TCDD) and total dust during cleanup of flood debris (SIC-4953) at Times Beach, Missouri in 1983. The evaluation was requested by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources to monitor and assess the contractor's employee personal protective program while cleaning up flood debris potentially contaminated with TCDD. Work practices were observed. No TCDD was detected. Total dust concentration... (Click to show more)

(1985) St. Louis Police auto body shop, St. Louis, Missouri. (Click to open report)
Environmental and breathing zone samples were analyzed for toluene (108883), lead (7439921), and total dust at the Saint Louis Police Auto Body Shop (SIC-7351), Saint Louis, Missouri in January and February, 1985. The evaluation was requested by the Health Commissioner of the City of Saint Louis to investigate working conditions in the body shop. A prior health department investigation had indicated that there might be health hazards in the shop area. Environmental toluene concentrations ranged ... (Click to show more)

(1985) Wyoming High School, Wyoming, Ohio. (Click to open report)
Environmental and breathing zone samples were analyzed for formaldehyde (50000), metals, organic solvents, inorganic fluorides crystalline silica (7631869) at Wyoming High School (SIC-8210), Wyoming, Ohio in January and February, 1985. The evaluation was requested by the principal to investigate chemical exposures in the art and biology departments. Lead (7439921), cadmium (7440439), and hexane (110543) concentrations were below their relevant standards. Formaldehyde concentrations in the biolog... (Click to show more)

(1984) Agricultural Commissioner, San Luis Obispo County, Paso Robles, California. (Click to open report)
Exposures to thallium-sulfate (10031591) and other pesticides were investigated on October 19, 1983 at the Agricultural Commissioners Office (SIC-0721) in Paso Robles, California. The evaluation was requested by an employee representative on behalf of 24 workers, 5 of whom had symptoms possibly related to thallium exposure. Earlier sampling results obtained by California/OSHA were reviewed along with the medical records of the five symptomatic workers. Other workers completed health questionnair... (Click to show more)

(1984) American Transportation Corporation, Conway, Arkansas. (Click to open report)
Exposures to lead, hexavalent-chromium (18540299), total particulates, and organic solvents were investigated in February 1982 at American Transportation Corporation (SIC-3711), Conway, Arkansas. Evaluation was requested by the United Auto Workers, Local 1762, on behalf of workers complaining of dermatitis and eye, nose, throat, and respiratory irritations. Area and personal air samples were collected. Medical questionnaires, blood lead tests, and liver and kidney function tests were completed b... (Click to show more)

(1984) ARCO Philadelphia Refinery, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. (Click to open report)
A bulk sample of fractionator residue was analyzed for polynuclear aromatic (PNA) compounds at the catalytic cracking unit of ARCO Philadelphia Refinery (SIC-2911), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in May, 1983. The study was requested by the Atlantic Independent Union to determine if skin rashes and skin irritation occurring among refinery workers were caused by PNA in the fractionators. Twenty four workers were interviewed and skin examinations on 10 workers were performed. Seventeen PNA were identi... (Click to show more)

(1984) C.F. And I. Steel, Pueblo, Colorado. (Click to open report)
Breathing zone samples were analyzed for lead (7439921) and zinc (7440666) at CF and I Steel (SIC-3312), Pueblo, Colorado in March, 1984. The survey was requested by a local of the United Steel Workers to evaluate lead exposures in the galvanizing department. Twenty six workers in the galvanizing department were interviewed. Blood samples were analyzed for lead and free erythrocyte protoporphyrin (FEP). Nine of 27 lead samples exceeded the OSHA standard of 50 micrograms per cubic meter (mg/m3), ... (Click to show more)

(1984) Charlie's Taxidermy and Gifts, Fleetwood, Pennsylvania. (Click to open report)
Environmental and breathing zone samples were analyzed for organic solvents, asbestos (1332214), arsenic (7440382), polyurethane (9009545), borax (1303964), a proprietary preservative, and inert dusts at Charlie's Taxidermy and Gifts (SIC-7699), Fleetwood, Pennsylvania, in October, 1983. The evaluation was requested by the Vice President of the Pennsylvania Taxidermy Association because of concern of the taxidermists being exposed to organic solvents and chemical agents. Work practices were obse... (Click to show more)

(1984) Chef Pierre, Incorporated, Traverse City, Michigan. (Click to open report)
Environmental and breathing zone samples were analyzed for total and respirable particulates and cinnamaldehyde (104552) at Chef Pierre, Incorporated (SIC-2051), Traverse City, Michigan in October and December, 1983. The survey was requested by a representative of the Bakery, Confectionery, and Tobacco Workers Union to evaluate complaints of discomfort and allergic reaction among employees working with cinnamon during the production process. Twenty one employees were interviewed by medical quest... (Click to show more)

(1984) David Mayer poultry farm, Hobgood, North Carolina. (Click to open report)
Area and breathing zone samples were analyzed for ammonia (7664417), carbon-dioxide (124389), airborne dust, endotoxins, and microorganisms at poultry confinement houses of David Mayer Poultry Farm (SIC-0251) and other poultry growers in Hobgood, North Carolina, in March, June, and October 1983. The survey was requested by growers in the area due to an increased incidence of eye and throat irritations, headache, shortness of breath, and chest tightness among the growers. Spirometry tests and a r... (Click to show more)

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