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Health Hazard Evaluations (HHEs)

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HHE Search Results

1060 HHE reports were found based on your search terms. Reports are listed in order of year published with the most recently published reports listed first.

Year Published and Title

(1997) Nicks Silica Company, Jackson, Tennessee. (Click to open report)
In response to a request from the Mine Safety and Health Administration, an investigation was begun into the prevalence of silicosis at specific ground silica (14808607) operations by conducting a medical evaluation of active and retired miners. This investigation centered around Nicks Silica Company (SIC-1446), Jackson, Tennessee. The study population included workers with 1 year or greater cumulative tenure subsequent to the opening of the mill in the grinding area or in areas downstream of th... (Click to show more)

(1997) People Working Cooperatively, Cincinnati, Ohio. (Click to open report)
In response to a request from the management of People Working Cooperatively (SIC-1521) (PWC), a nonprofit organization based in Cincinnati, Ohio, an evaluation was undertaken of possible hazardous lead (7439921) exposures occurring during renovation of homes with lead based paint (LBP). Potentially hazardous lead exposures were measured during exterior dry scraping and wet scraping of LBP1 with maximum exposures of 120 and 63 micrograms/cubic meter, respectively. Sixty eight of the full time em... (Click to show more)

(1997) Ralston Purina Company, Eveready Battery Company, Marietta, Ohio. (Click to open report)
In response to a request from the Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers International Union, a health hazard evaluation was conducted at the Eveready Battery Company (SIC-3313) electrolytic manganese-dioxide facility in Marietta, Ohio. Two employees had a Parkinson like disease which could be related to chronic manganese (7439965) toxicity. Investigators reviewed and analyzed company records and conducted air sampling for manganese dust. The 29 full shift evaluations for total manganese showed 8 hour... (Click to show more)

(1997) Unimin Specialty Minerals, Inc.- Elco, Elco, Illinois. (Click to open report)
In response to a request from the Mine Safety and Health Administration, a medical survey of current workers at the Unimin Specialty Minerals Elco (SIC-1446) operation in Illinois was conducted. The primary objective was to estimate and report the prevalence of silicosis among participating current and former employees at the grinding area and/or downstream of the grinding area at each operation by tenure and job. Of the 28 current and former workers who participated in the medical survey, six (... (Click to show more)

(1997) Valley High School, West Des Moines, Iowa. (Click to open report)
On September 16-17, 1997, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) conducted a site visit at Valley High School in West Des Moines, Iowa, in response to a management request for a health hazard evaluation (HHE). The request asked NIOSH to assess indoor air quality and measure exposures to crystalline silica in the art rooms at this school. The source of crystalline silica was clay and various glazes used during ceramics courses in art room 403. The request was initiated ... (Click to show more)

(1996) Bruce Mansfield Power Station, Shippingport, Pennsylvania. (Click to open report)
In response to a request from the Plumbers and Steamfitters Union Local 47, an investigation was begun into possible exposure to arsenic (7440439) and other heavy metals during the rebuilding of coal fired boilers at the Bruce Mansfield Power Station (SIC-4911), Shippingport, Pennsylvania. Metal concentrations were measured in 45 personal breathing zone (PBZ) samples; an additional 12 PBZ samples were monitored for exposure to respirable dust and silica (14808607). Eight bulk ash samples and 11 ... (Click to show more)

(1996) BTR Antivibration Systems, Inc., Logansport, Indiana. (Click to open report)
In response to a request from management, an investigation was begun into a recent increase in the number of workers with skin conditions at BTR Antivibration Systems, Inc. (SIC-3061), Logansport, Indiana. The facility produced automotive vibration control products using rubber stock and metal parts. Nearly 5,000 individuals were employed in the facility on three shifts. Department 634 included the molding process, metal preparation processes, paint dip tanks, elastomer adhesive spray processes,... (Click to show more)

(1996) Dartmouth Police Department, Dartmouth, Massachusetts. (Click to open report)
In response to a request from the Dartmouth Chief of Police, an investigation was begun into possible lead (7439921) exposure to officers of the Dartmouth Police Department (SIC-9221), Dartmouth, Massachusetts during firearms training at the New Bedford Police Department indoor firing range. The indoor facility was located in an old office trailer. Sampling was conducted during the firing of copper jacketed lead free primer ammunition. Air sampling indicated that airborne lead concentrations wer... (Click to show more)

(1996) Dirty Bird, Inc., Grady, Arkansas. (Click to open report)
In response to a request from management at the Dirty Bird, Inc. (SIC-0721), Grady, Arkansas, an investigation was begun into worker exposure to pesticides during aerial application on cotton or rice. The company was an owner operated aerial pesticide application service with seven workers. Single engine, single seat closed cockpit aircraft were used for applications. Personal breathing zone air samples were collected to assess ground crew and aerial applicator exposure to pesticides. Three mixe... (Click to show more)

(1996) Fanelli Boys and Associates, Parkersburg, West Virginia. (Click to open report)
In response to a confidential request, an investigation was begun into possible hazardous working conditions at Fanelli Boys and Associates (SIC-3861), Parkersburg, West Virginia. Chest pain, eye irritation, skin rash, nasal problems, and deposits of black dust in the nose and mouth had been reported. The company reinked ribbons and cartridges for dot matrix and ink jet printers, and recycled toner cartridges for laser printers. Four individuals were employed at the company. Volatile organic com... (Click to show more)

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