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HHE Search Results
1060 HHE reports were found based on your search terms. Reports are listed in order of year published with the most recently published reports listed first.
Year Published and Title
(2001) Foeste Masonry, Cape Girardeau, Missouri. (Click to open report) Foeste masonry recently received an OSHA citation for overexposure of workers to crystalline silica during the dry cutting of brick. Foeste subsequently purchased several brick/block cutoff saws equipped with water dust suppression. Until Foeste could show that exposures were adequately controlled, Foeste was required by OSHA to enroll the operators in a respiratory protection program (fit testing and use of half mask, cartridge respirators). On April 3, 2000, Foeste Masonry requested a Health H... (Click to show more)Foeste masonry recently received an OSHA citation for overexposure of workers to crystalline silica during the dry cutting of brick. Foeste subsequently purchased several brick/block cutoff saws equipped with water dust suppression. Until Foeste could show that exposures were adequately controlled, Foeste was required by OSHA to enroll the operators in a respiratory protection program (fit testing and use of half mask, cartridge respirators). On April 3, 2000, Foeste Masonry requested a Health Hazard Evaluation (HHE) to assess the effectiveness of wet dust suppression during the cutting of brick and block. On May 8, 2000, NIOSH investigators met with Foeste representatives to discuss sampling procedures for collecting airborne dust samples. Environmental measurements of airborne particulate were obtained on May 9 -10,2000. NIOSH investigators determined that dry cutting can lead to intense exposures to silica dust. Such exposures are likely to be very hazardous to workers operating the saws and working in their vicinity. NIOSH recommends that wet cutting be used when ever possible. The sampling undertaken in this study indicates that wet cutting, undertaken using the manufacturer's guidelines, generally leads to exposures to silica dust below the OSHA PEL. It is recommended that saw operators continue to wear at least a NIOSH-approved, disposable respirator, especially when wet cutting for two hours or more. If dry cutting brick or block is necessitated by the building design a Powered Air Purifying Respirator (PAPR) should be worn and the cutting time should be limited. Routine evaluation of dust exposures is desirable to ensure that the workers are adequately protected, especially for brick or block of high silica content.
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(2001) Lac Vieux Desert Resort and Casino, Watersmeet, Michigan. (Click to open report) On December 13, 2000, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) received a management request for a health hazard evaluation (HHE) at the Lac Vieux Desert Resort and Casino in Watersmeet, Michigan to determine if workplace exposures during counting operations are related to reported health problems that some employees have experienced. Specifically, NIOSH was asked to evaluate exposure to metal dust and other contaminants associated with machine counting of coins and pape... (Click to show more)On December 13, 2000, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) received a management request for a health hazard evaluation (HHE) at the Lac Vieux Desert Resort and Casino in Watersmeet, Michigan to determine if workplace exposures during counting operations are related to reported health problems that some employees have experienced. Specifically, NIOSH was asked to evaluate exposure to metal dust and other contaminants associated with machine counting of coins and paper money at the casino. Reported symptoms included eye, nasal, and respiratory irritation, and other respiratory problems. On January 25-27, 2001, NIOSH researchers conducted a site visit at the Lac Vieux Desert Resort and Casino. The purpose of this site visit was to review the coin counting process, interview employees, and characterize the work environment to determine factors that may contribute to the reported symptoms. During the first shift (12:00 AM - 8:00 AM) on January 26 and January 27, environmental monitoring was conducted to evaluate count employees personal exposures to nickel, copper, zinc, and other metals that may be present in coin dust, and to the total dust present in both the hard (coin) and soft (paper) counting areas. Surface samples were collected to determine the extent of metal contamination in various areas, and personal noise monitoring was conducted to evaluate worker exposure to noise. The results of the air sampling showed that for the monitoring period all measured concentrations of nickel, copper, and zinc were below the NIOSH Recommended Exposure Limits (REL) for these substances. The highest measured concentration of nickel was 7 micrograms per cubic meter (µg/m3 ), detected in a sample collected from a coin count worker. The NIOSH REL for nickel is 15 µg/m3 . The highest copper concentration (24 µg/m3 ) was measured in this same sample. The NIOSH REL for copper dust is 1000 µg/m3 . All zinc samples were either below the limit of detection (LOD) or between the LOD and the limit of quantitation. The NIOSH REL for zinc oxide is 5000 µg/m3 . The surface sampling results identified some areas in the coin counting room where additional cleaning is warranted to reduce the potential for spreading metal contamination or generating airborne dust. All measured noise exposures were below the NIOSH REL of 85 decibels on the A-weighting scale (dBA) as a full-shift time-weighted average. Workers reported nasal, respiratory, and eye irritation; no skin problems were reported by any of the workers. A number of manual lifting activities involving substantial loads and awkward postures were observed, most of which involved handling the coins. Based on a limited review of the ventilation system and information provided by casino employees, it appears the heating, ventilating and air-conditioning system supporting the count areas is insufficient to maintain thermal conditions in an appropriate comfort range. The ventilation in the Soft Count room does not appear to be able to accommodate the number of people that work in this room (conditions are crowded). Temperatures ranging from 73 degrees - 76 degrees F were measured in the work areas (an acceptable range) and the relative humidity in the work areas was lower than desirable (10-11%). These lower humidity levels and insufficient general ventilation could account for some of the eye and nasal irritation that has been experienced by workers. Exposures to nickel, copper, and zinc during currency counting activities were below recommended limits. The surface sampling results indicate that additional cleaning in the coin counting room is warranted. All measured noise exposures were below recommended limits, however there are opportunities to further reduce noise levels in the Hard Count room. The general ventilation system does not appear to adequately support the Hard Count and Soft Count rooms, particularly the Soft Count room. Relative Humidity levels were low and may account for some of the eye and nasal irritation reported by workers. Tobacco smoke was detected in non-smoking areas indicating that smoke is not being effectively isolated and ventilated. It is possible that the health complaints could be resolved by improving the general indoor environmental quality in the counting area. Recommendations to improve conditions and address ergonomic issues are in the Recommendation section of this report.
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(2001) Lehigh Portland Cement Company, Union Bridge, Maryland. (Click to open report) On May 30, 2000, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) received a health hazard evaluation (HHE) request from the Paper, Allied Industrial, Chemical, and Energy Workers Union Local 2-0031 regarding fly ash exposures during the cement manufacturing process at the Lehigh Portland Cement Company in Union Bridge, Maryland. The union was concerned about possible exposures to crystalline silica as a constituent of the fly ash (approximately 1-6%) used in the cement manufac... (Click to show more)On May 30, 2000, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) received a health hazard evaluation (HHE) request from the Paper, Allied Industrial, Chemical, and Energy Workers Union Local 2-0031 regarding fly ash exposures during the cement manufacturing process at the Lehigh Portland Cement Company in Union Bridge, Maryland. The union was concerned about possible exposures to crystalline silica as a constituent of the fly ash (approximately 1-6%) used in the cement manufacturing process. On July 24-25, 2000, NIOSH investigators conducted a site visit at the Lehigh Portland Cement Company. Area and personal breathing zone (PBZ) air samples were collected for total dust, respirable dust, and crystalline silica. Bulk samples of the fly ash and raw feed were also collected and analyzed for crystalline silica content and elements (e.g., chromium, copper, nickel, lead, magnesium, manganese, titanium, zinc, etc.). A return site visit was conducted on December 13, 2000, to collect PBZ air samples for elements. PBZ air samples collected for respirable dust, quartz (crystalline silica), cristobalite, and elements did not indicate any exposures exceeding applicable exposure criteria. Three area samples collected at different times in the raw mill separator area indicated total dust concentrations of 149 milligrams of dust per cubic meter of air (mg/m3), 14 mg/m3, and 20 mg/m3. (The settled dust [on equipment, stairs, floors, etc.] in the raw mill area, and leaks in the process equipment may affect dust sample concentrations collected at different times during the day). Three out of seven workers sampled during the initial site visit had total dust time-weighted average (TWA) exposures above the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists' (ACGIH) Threshold Limit Value (TLV) and Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) permissible exposure limit (PEL) of 10 mg/m3. Two of these workers were performing work tasks in the mill room and had TWA exposures that also exceeded the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) for total dust (15 mg/m3). PBZ air samples collected on a worker repairing a leak in the process equipment (located within the raw mill building) indicated an extremely high total dust TWA concentration (3800 mg/m3). This sample was not representative of the worker's breathing zone exposure (dust was blowing directly on the sampling cassette at a high velocity while he was repairing the leak). However, because of the high concentration in this sample, it is possible that the worker's true exposure to total dust concentrations was well over applicable exposure criteria. All area and PBZ air samples for quartz (crystalline silica) were below applicable exposure criteria. However, PBZ air samples indicated that total dust TWA exposures were in excess of applicable exposure criteria. Recommendations to control total dust exposures include shutting off process equipment when performing maintenance activities to repair leaks; fixing leaks in process equipment to reduce dust generating sources; using engineering and administrative controls when feasible; using respirators when other controls are not feasible; using vacuums (with P95 filters) instead of pressurized air to clean off work clothing; and re-sampling after any process changes to evaluate worker exposures under new conditions.
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(2001) NIOSH exposure assessment of cellulose insulation applicators. (Click to open report) In July 1994, cellulose insulation (CI) was nominated to the National Toxicology Program (NTP) for a comprehensive toxicological evaluation. The evaluation consisted of two components: (1) a bulk analytical characterization of CI and (2) an exposure assessment of U.S. contractors applying the CI in residential and commercial buildings. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) was presented with an opportunity to assist in the evaluation of CI by conducting the exposure a... (Click to show more)In July 1994, cellulose insulation (CI) was nominated to the National Toxicology Program (NTP) for a comprehensive toxicological evaluation. The evaluation consisted of two components: (1) a bulk analytical characterization of CI and (2) an exposure assessment of U.S. contractors applying the CI in residential and commercial buildings. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) was presented with an opportunity to assist in the evaluation of CI by conducting the exposure assessment through an interagency agreement with the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences/NTP. NIOSH conducted the CI exposure assessment, which included a medical component, with 10 contractors located across the United States. During each contractor site visit, air samples were collected for total dust, respirable dust, and for scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis to characterize any fibers in the dust. The CI installer and hopper operator each had two SEM air samples collected for each day of CI activities. Bulk samples of the CI were collected and analyzed for metals, boron, and sulfate content. Real-time and video exposure monitoring were also conducted to further characterize the CI dust and workers' exposures. For the 10 contractor site visits, 175 personal breathing zone (PBZ) total dust, 106 area total dust, and 90 area respirable dust air samples were collected during CI related activities. There were 26 employees with total dust eight-hour time-weighted averages (8-hour TWAs) exceeding the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) of 15 milligrams per cubic meter (mg/m3) and 42 exceeding the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) Threshold Limit Value (TLV) of 10 mg/m3. Respirable dust air sampling and real-time monitoring with particle size discrimination indicated low levels of respirable dust generation. The SEM analyses revealed that fibers were on average 28 micrometers in length and ranged from 5 to 150 micrometers. CI installers' PBZ samples and area air samples for total dust were significantly higher for dry attic applications than wet attic applications (p < 0.01). Respirable dust air samples collected in the attic area indicated a significantly higher concentration for dry applications than wet applications (p < 0.01). The hopper operators' total dust exposures were significantly higher during wet wall/ceiling applications than dry wall/ceiling applications (p = 0.02). Analysis of variance (ANOVA) tests evaluating exposure concentrations revealed that total dust air samples collected in the PBZ of workers (CI installer in attics, CI installer in walls, hopper operator during attic applications, and hopper operator during walls/ceiling applications) varied significantly during dry applications (p < 0.01). The respirable dust air samples collected in various areas (attic area, hopper area during attic applications, and hopper area during walls/ceiling applications) differed significantly during dry applications (p = 0.03). Twenty-three workers participated in the medical phase of the investigation. The workers completed a medical and work history questionnaire, performed serial peak flow tests, and completed multiple acute symptom surveys. The medical questionnaires indicated respiratory, nasal, and skin symptoms that employees attributed to CI exposure. The most common symptoms reported while working with CI included nasal symptoms (35%), eye symptoms (35%), and morning phlegm production (25%). There was a temporal association between CI exposure and eye symptoms. There is little evidence of lower respiratory system health conditions associated with CI exposure. Based on the air sample data collected from the 10 contractor site visits, NIOSH investigators conclude that there is potential for overexposure to cellulose insulation (CI). Employees in virtually all CI application activities were exposed to total dust levels which exceeded the OSHA 8-hour TWA of 15 mg/m3. CI installers' PBZ total dust samples and area air samples for total and respirable dust were significantly higher for dry attic applications than wet attic applications. Eye symptoms were temporally associated with CI exposure. There is little evidence of lower respiratory tract health conditions associated with CI exposure. Suggestions to improve the health and safety of employees in this industry, through the use of engineering controls and personal protective equipment (i.e., respirators), are presented in the Recommendations section of this report.
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(2001) North View Elementary School, Clarksburg, WV. (Click to open report) In May of 1999, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) received a request to conduct a health hazard evaluation (HHE) at the North View Elementary School in Clarksburg, WV. The request, submitted by the West Virginia Education Association (WVEA), cited indoor air quality associated health complaints such as asthma, sinus infections, allergies, respiratory problems and increased absenteeism. On May 27 and June 6, 1999, NIOSH investigators conducted initial investigation... (Click to show more)In May of 1999, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) received a request to conduct a health hazard evaluation (HHE) at the North View Elementary School in Clarksburg, WV. The request, submitted by the West Virginia Education Association (WVEA), cited indoor air quality associated health complaints such as asthma, sinus infections, allergies, respiratory problems and increased absenteeism. On May 27 and June 6, 1999, NIOSH investigators conducted initial investigations of the environmental conditions and health concerns. The investigation involved interviews with workers, a questionnaire survey, lung function testing, inspection of the building and the air handling unit (AHU), and measurements of temperature, relative humidity, carbon dioxide, and microbial volatile organic compounds in air. On July 22, 1999, NIOSH investigators made a site visit with officials from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to further inspect the school AHU. On August 11 and 12, 1999, during the summer recess, NIOSH investigators took additional environmental measurements to assess the potential for fungal growth and other indoor environmental conditions when the school was unoccupied. Following these surveys, an interim report with recommendations was presented to the school management and employees. On August 14, 1999, further questionnaire survey and lung function testing were done to determine the baseline respiratory health status following a summer recess. On February 11 and 17, 2000, NIOSH investigators conducted additional environmental and medical assessment at the school during the winter season. This survey also evaluated progress made on recommendations provided in the interim report and their impact on employee health. The results of the investigation are summarized below. At the initial investigation on May 1999, employees who worked in the basement area of the school reported higher occurrence of upper and lower respiratory symptoms than those who worked on the first or second floor of the school. Almost all employees from the basement area (89%) reported wheezing and shortness of breath with wheezing during the last 12 months, and 66% reported taking medication for breathing problems. The employees working on the second floor had the lowest prevalence of respiratory symptoms. The prevalence of nonspecific symptoms (these include a stuffy/runny nose, irritation of the eyes, throat, headache and sinus problems) was also high. There was a noticeable decrease in the prevalence of respiratory symptoms during the summer recess. However, during the winter months the frequency of reported symptoms increased, in particular in the basement and on the first floor. Cross-sectional spirometry testing determined that 8% of the adult school occupants had mild obstructive impairment. Serial lung function tests performed by nine occupants who complained of asthma-like respiratory symptoms did not show visible variability in lung function in response to being in the school environment. On inspection of the school, we observed water incursions and fungal growth on interior ceiling tiles in basement areas. Bioaerosol concentrations in building air, measured during the school break with the AHU in operation, were below ambient levels for fungi, bacteria, spores, and endotoxin. Some of the fungal and bacterial organisms identified in the building, especially in basement areas, were different from those identified in ambient samples suggesting amplification of these organisms within the building. Five unique microbial volatile organic compounds (MVOCs) were detected in the basement area; none of these compounds were detected on the sample collected on the second floor. The airborne dust concentrations measured in building air were below those measured in ambient air. Samples for carbon dioxide, obtained when school was in session, suggest inadequate outside air intake and distribution. Inspection of the AHU indicated too small a filter surface area and other operational problems that would impact system operation and indoor environmental quality.
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(2001) Oklahoma City Community College, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. (Click to open report) The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) received a request for a health hazard evaluation from employees at the Oklahoma City Community College Bookstore on August 13, 2001. Employees were concerned that the temporary location of the bookstore in the school's gymnasium was exposing them to excessive noise from activities occurring in the gymnasium. Following a cheerleading camp held in the Summer of 2001, one employee experienced pain and ringing in her ears from the ... (Click to show more)The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) received a request for a health hazard evaluation from employees at the Oklahoma City Community College Bookstore on August 13, 2001. Employees were concerned that the temporary location of the bookstore in the school's gymnasium was exposing them to excessive noise from activities occurring in the gymnasium. Following a cheerleading camp held in the Summer of 2001, one employee experienced pain and ringing in her ears from the yelling and screaming by the participants. The bookstore employees were also concerned about mold and dust in the bookstore that they felt resulted in additional sickness for the workers. A NIOSH investigator visited the campus bookstore on October 17-19, 2001, to make noise measurements in the bookstore while a Fall Break Camp was held in the gymnasium. Personal and area noise samples were obtained over two full days in the bookstore. The NIOSH investigator also made visual observations of the work area, interviewed bookstore employees, and spoke with representatives of the College's physical plant about the operation of the heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) system and the condition of the gymnasium's roof. The results of the personal noise sampling revealed time-weighted average (TWA) noise levels that were 6% or less of the daily allowed noise dose according to the evaluation criteria to prevent occupational hearing loss from noise. The area noise samples showed that the activities in the gymnasium did interfere with communications for the employees of the bookstore, particularly the voices of the children in the day camp. The temporary wall constructed to isolate the bookstore was ineffective in reducing the noises emanating from the gymnasium. Also, the housekeeping conditions observed in the bookstore were poor, with dust located throughout the space. The personal noise measurements made during the two days of the Fall Break Camp revealed that employees of the bookstore are not at increased risk of occupational hearing loss as a result of their noise exposures. However, the interference with daily activities at the store was confirmed by the area noise samples. Visual observations made during the site visit found large amounts of dust throughout the bookstore and an area on the southeast wall that had visible staining from a previous roof leak. Recommendations are made in the report on the construction of a more efficient, sound-attenuation wall and on improving general housekeeping practices.
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(2001) Rehabilitation Services Commission, Columbus, Ohio. (Click to open report) On May 5, 2000, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) received a request from employees at the Rehabilitation Services Commission (RSC) regarding indoor air quality problems at the RSC building in Columbus, Ohio. Health concerns included chronic sinus infections, allergies, asthmatic bronchitis, and chronic pulmonary problems. On July 11 and 12, 2000, NIOSH investigators conducted a walk-through inspection of the building's interior and exterior, and of the air handli... (Click to show more)On May 5, 2000, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) received a request from employees at the Rehabilitation Services Commission (RSC) regarding indoor air quality problems at the RSC building in Columbus, Ohio. Health concerns included chronic sinus infections, allergies, asthmatic bronchitis, and chronic pulmonary problems. On July 11 and 12, 2000, NIOSH investigators conducted a walk-through inspection of the building's interior and exterior, and of the air handling units (AHU). Measurements to detect moisture incursion and general indoor air quality comfort parameters were also made. NIOSH physicians interviewed 29 employees to assess health complaints potentially related to the work environment. Moisture measurements on the inside of the exterior walls and the concrete slab did not indicate a chronic water incursion problem. The AHUs appeared clean and provided good air filtration. The condensate pans on some of the AHU were not draining properly. The building was under positive pressure; the cafeteria was under negative pressure to minimize odors in the building. One non-functional bathroom exhaust fan was identified. Several carbon dioxide measurements exceeded 800 ppm, indicating an inadequate supply of outdoor air. The AHUs were recently switched from a manual adjustment system to a computer-controlled system. Although the computer-controlled system indicated air intakes at 10%, they were actually closed. Thirteen of the 29 employees interviewed reported a physician diagnosis of asthma. Six of these employees reported a consistent increase in symptoms related to being in the workplace. In addition to asthma, 10 of the 29 employees interviewed reported upper respiratory symptoms or mucous membrane irritation temporally related to the work environment. Ten of the 29 reported having positive allergy tests for dust mites. Four employees reported no symptoms related to work. Medical records were obtained for three individuals who reported being diagnosed with asthma since beginning work at the RSC, and who reported a consistent increase in symptoms related to being at work. One of the three had information in the medical record possibly consistent with a diagnosis of asthma, but no evidence of a decrement in lung function at work; two did not have documented evidence of asthma. Among the 29 persons interviewed, the most frequently reported observation was that the work environment was dusty and the cloth-covered cubicles were dirty. Several persons complained of odors from the kitchen. In addition, several employees reported the use of ion-generating or electrostatic precipitator air cleaners (these air cleaners may produce ozone) at their desks. There was no evidence of a significant indoor air quality problem at the RSC building. Minor problems were noted, including a non-operational bathroom exhaust fan, a deficiency in supplied outdoor air, and the use of ozone generating air cleaners. Reported symptoms included asthma, and eye, nose, and throat irritation. Recommendations include repair of the bathroom fan, adjusting the outside air dampers to increase the supply of outdoor air, and elimination of ozone-generating air cleaners.
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(2001) Robinson Run Mine, Shinnston, West Virginia. (Click to open report) On December 6, 1999, NIOSH received a confidential health hazard evaluation request regarding possible health effects in workers exposed to Solcenic HL hydraulic fluid at the Robinson Run Mine in Shinnston, West Virginia. Solcenic HL emulsion is used in the closed loop hydraulic system that pressurizes the piston-driven roof supports in the longwall section of the underground coal mine. Solcenic HL is a proprietary formulation of mineral oil, alcohol, poly glycol, inorganic salt, organic acid sa... (Click to show more)On December 6, 1999, NIOSH received a confidential health hazard evaluation request regarding possible health effects in workers exposed to Solcenic HL hydraulic fluid at the Robinson Run Mine in Shinnston, West Virginia. Solcenic HL emulsion is used in the closed loop hydraulic system that pressurizes the piston-driven roof supports in the longwall section of the underground coal mine. Solcenic HL is a proprietary formulation of mineral oil, alcohol, poly glycol, inorganic salt, organic acid salt, and a triazine biocide. It is similar in formulation to emulsifiable metal working fluids which have been associated with respiratory disorders, work related asthma, and allergic and irritant skin disorders (NIOSH, 1998a). We conducted telephone and on-site interviews with miners who were concerned that exposures to Solcenic HL emulsion might be putting them at risk for sinusitis, rhinitis, adult onset occupational asthma, and dermatitis, especially during periods of atypical exposure such as when working around large spills. We administered a medical-work history questionnaire on October 18, 19, and 20, 2000. Its purpose was to assess the prevalence of various respiratory and skin disorders and symptoms in relation to possible sources and pathways of exposure, especially to Solcenic HL emulsion. The questionnaire requested demographic data, a brief work history, possible workplace exposures, and included questions designed to identify individuals with sinusitis (nasal), breathing, and dermal (skin) disorders. Because Solcenic HL emulsion is only used at the longwall, miners were grouped as either "longwall miners" (potentially exposed individuals) or "nonlongwall miners" (minimally exposed or nonexposed individuals). The minimally exposed group includes some miners who occasionally assisted with relocation and maintenance of the longwall equipment. There were 85 respondents out of 250 current employees representing 100 percent (33/33) of the longwall workforce and about 25 percent (52/250) of the "nonlongwall workforce." The prevalence of self-reported sinus or nasal symptoms that required medical attention was 24 percent (8/33) among longwall miners versus 48 percent (24/52) among miners whose primary work areas were other areas of the mine. Because the rate of symptoms was higher in the nonexposed group, there does not appear to be a positive relationship between the routine use of Solcenic HL emulsion and nasal/sinus symptoms. However, self-reporting bias is a possible explanation for the higher rate of symptoms in the nonexposed group; those without symptoms may not have been motivated to respond to the questionnaire. Exposure misclassification is another possible explanation; some of the "minimally exposed workers" may have experienced acute exposures to Solcenic HL emulsion during their temporary assignments to work on the longwall. The prevalence of self-reported adult onset asthma was 6 percent (2/33) among longwall miners and 6 percent (3/52) among nonlongwall miners [For comparison, McWhorter et al. (1989) estimated the prevalence of active asthma among U.S. adults to be 2.6 percent.] Of the five self-reported cases, two worked on the longwall, two worked throughout the mine including the longwall, and one worked on a continuous mining section. Four of the five, including the continuous mining section worker, reported that "Solcenic" or "hydraulic fluid" exacerbated their asthma symptoms. Self-reporting bias and misclassification are concerns, and we can neither establish nor rule out a relationship between exposure to Solcenic HL emulsion and self-reported adult onset asthma. The prevalence of self-reported dermal symptoms that required medical treatment was 21 percent (7/33) for longwall miners and 25 percent (13/52) for other miners. Once again, self-reporting bias and misclassification are concerns, and we can neither establish nor rule out a relationship between exposure to Solcenic HL emulsion and self-reported mine-related dermatitis. Concurrent with obtaining and evaluating the medical-work history information, we collected and analyzed samples of the bulk Solcenic HL, the Solcenic HL emulsion, emulsion leakage from the mine floor, and area samples of the mine air to characterize the work environment. We identified two agents that warranted further investigation. The first agent was formaldehyde (a breakdown product of the triazine biocide in Solcenic HL), which is associated with upper respiratory and dermal irritation and sensitization and is considered by NIOSH to be a potential occupational carcinogen. The second agent was microbials (i.e., bacteria and fungi) from the shearer sprays and the mine air, which are also associated with upper respiratory symptoms, adult onset asthma, and dermal symptoms. The maximum concentration of formaldehyde in air during our sampling program was 0.027 parts per million (ppm). This is two orders of magnitude below the MSHA Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) of 2 ppm, one order of magnitude below the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) 2000 Threshold Limit Value (TLV) of 0.3 ppm, and similar in magnitude to the NIOSH Recommended Exposure Limit (REL) of 0.016 ppm. Although the PEL is the legally enforceable limit, employers are encouraged to follow the most protective criterion among the PEL, TLV and REL. The NIOSH REL for formaldehyde is a qualitative value based primarily on the analytical limit of detection. There were no large spills of Solcenic HL emulsion during our sampling program, but we believe that formaldehyde concentrations in air during atypical events have the potential to exceed the MSHA PEL. We evaluated the possibility that triazine from spillage of Solcenic HL emulsion might adsorb onto or absorb into rockdust and be converted to formaldehyde after inhalation and deposition of the dust in the respiratory tract. The amount of triazine that might be adsorbed onto or absorbed into rockdust that becomes aerosolized and inhaled was found to be negligible. In our microbial evaluation, we sampled the Solcenic HL emulsion from the hydraulic lines and found no bacteria and four colony forming units per milliliter (CFU/ml) of basidiomycetes and 2 CFU/ml of an unidentified fungus. These low levels of fungi in the emulsion could have originated from contact with equipment surfaces during sampling. We also sampled the shearer spray water for microbial content and found several species of bacteria that may be pathogenic or that are indicators of pathogenic potential. The shearer spray is fed by surface water that passes through a coarse sand filter before being sprayed to suppress dust from the shearer. Based on good public health practice, we recommend additional filtration or treatment for the shearer sprays. We sampled the air on June 13-14, 2000, for fungi and bacteria. Fungi concentrations in the mine ranged to 9.6 x 103 CFU per cubic meter of air (CFU/m3) and bacteria concentrations ranged from below the level of detection to 1.4 x 105 CFU/m3. The predominant fungal genera outside the mine was Cladosporium and the predominant fungal genus inside the mine were Cladosporium, Penicillia, and basidiospores. The bacteria found in the mine air included Actinomycetes, Rhodococcus, Actinobacter, and Pseudomonas. Although these are ubiquitous environmental microbials, exposures to fungi and bacteria have been associated with sinus/nasal and asthmatic symptoms in susceptible individuals. In conclusion, the hypothesis that miner exposures to Solcenic HL emulsion caused or exacerbated the reported health effects in some workers can neither be established nor ruled out. Exposure to formaldehyde is possible during atypical events such as large spills. Pathogenic microbial species were also found in both the shearer spray and the mine air, but their relationship to the reported symptoms is unknown. The following recommendations are based on information derived from studies of m...
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(2001) SFO International Terminal, San Francisco. (Click to open report) On January 31, 2000, NIOSH received a confidential request for a Hazard Evaluation (per 40 CFR Part 85) at the San Francisco International Airport (SFO) International Terminal. This airport terminal was then under construction and, according to the requestor, several trades had been routinely and repeatedly exposed to dusts containing fireproofing material and dusts containing epoxy resin, resulting in various respiratory complaints (e.g., irritation, sinus and ear infections, breathing difficul... (Click to show more)On January 31, 2000, NIOSH received a confidential request for a Hazard Evaluation (per 40 CFR Part 85) at the San Francisco International Airport (SFO) International Terminal. This airport terminal was then under construction and, according to the requestor, several trades had been routinely and repeatedly exposed to dusts containing fireproofing material and dusts containing epoxy resin, resulting in various respiratory complaints (e.g., irritation, sinus and ear infections, breathing difficulties, flu-like conditions) as well as bloody noses, headaches, and skin rashes. Numerous workers had reported to the on-site health clinic with these complaints, while others obtained medical assistance from private or other medical services. The primary exposure was to the dust generated when removing fireproofing and during the cleanup by dry sweeping of accumulated fireproofing materials. Because the primary dust generating activities occurred during 1998 and 1999, the NIOSH response was confined to the following: evaluation of the Material Safety Data Sheets for the fireproofing materials; analysis of several bulk samples of fireproofing materials; a review of the various exposure surveys conducted by Cal-OSHA, the contractor, and SFO; discussions and interviews with those involved; analysis of a brief survey form sent to roughly two dozen current and former workers. After consideration of the (a) the MSDS's for the Cafco and Monokote fireproofing, (b) the previous company and Cal-OSHA surveys, (c) review of the various documents (e.g., work practice guidelines) submitted, and (d) discussions with numerous employees and review of the information forms provided by employees, we conclude that it is likely that dusts resulting from fireproofing materials present more risk to exposed employees that would be expected from substances that truly are "inert or nuisance dusts". Exposures to each individual worker, construction worker (regardless of occupation or subcontractor) or air-port maintenance employee, should be minimized or eliminated through some effective combination of work practices, worker and employer training, work practices, and feasible engineering controls (e.g., wet removal and cleanup, use of dust suppression cleanup materials, vacuum removal at time of removal). If exposures -both full-shift and within-shift peak exposures - are not reliably controlled by the above means, then the employer should provide and require respiratory and other personal protection.
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(2001) Special Metals Corporation, Princeton Powder Division, Princeton, Kentucky. (Click to open report) The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) conducted a health hazard evaluation (HHE) at Special Metals Corporation, Princeton Powder Division, Princeton, Kentucky. NIOSH conducted this HHE at the request of employees at that facility who were concerned about the possible formation of hexavalent chromium (Cr[VI]) in the specialty alloy production operations, and of the potential health hazards from exposures to this and other materials associated with those operations. Hea... (Click to show more)The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) conducted a health hazard evaluation (HHE) at Special Metals Corporation, Princeton Powder Division, Princeton, Kentucky. NIOSH conducted this HHE at the request of employees at that facility who were concerned about the possible formation of hexavalent chromium (Cr[VI]) in the specialty alloy production operations, and of the potential health hazards from exposures to this and other materials associated with those operations. Health effects mentioned in the request included nose bleeds, sinusitis, gastric disturbance, and fatigue. In response to this request, NIOSH investigators conducted an initial environmental and medical investigation at the site on July 23 and 24, 1997. NIOSH investigators collected 5 personal breathing-zone (PBZ) and 4 area air samples for Cr(VI), 7 PBZ and 4 area air samples for heavy metals, and 6 residual process bulk-material samples for Cr(VI). Two areas of the facility were also evaluated for noise levels. Based upon the initial findings, the NIOSH investigators determined that a follow-up visit was necessary to better characterize workers' exposures to several of the metals used at the facility, by conducting biological monitoring and additional environmental monitoring. The follow-up visit was conducted on September 17-18, 1998. During this visit, NIOSH investigators collected a total of 40 PBZ and 8 area air samples for Cr(VI), 38 PBZ and 7 area air samples for heavy metals, 4 bulk-material samples for Cr(VI), 2 PBZ air samples for respirable crystalline silica, 1 area "bulk-air" sample for crystalline silica, and 2 bulk-material samples for crystalline silica. In general, the highest PBZ air sample concentrations of nickel, cobalt, total chromium, and niobium were found in the furnace bay, laboratory, and inert screening areas. During the initial survey, 1 air sample (collected in the breathing zone of the laboratory assistant) exceeded the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) for nickel (1000 micrograms per cubic meter [µg/m 3 ]) and cobalt (100 µg/m 3 ). Five PBZ air samples exceeded the NIOSH Recommended Exposure Limit (REL) for nickel (15 µg/m 3 ) and 1 PBZ air sample exceeded the REL for cobalt (50 µg/m 3 ). Two PBZ air samples exceeded the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) Threshold Limit Values (TLV) for cobalt (20 µg/m 3 ). One PBZ air sample exceeded the NIOSH REL and the ACGIH TLV for total chromium (500 µg/m 3 ). Bulk sample analysis revealed that Cr(VI) is present in the facility, however all PBZ air sample concentrations for Cr(VI) were below relevant evaluation criteria. During the follow-up survey, 2 air samples (collected in the breathing zone of the laboratory assistant and furnace operator's helper) exceeded the OSHA PEL for nickel and cobalt. Twenty-two PBZ air samples exceeded the NIOSH REL for nickel and four PBZ air samples exceeded the REL for cobalt. Seven PBZ air samples exceeded the ACGIH TLV for cobalt. All results for total chromium were below relevant evaluation criteria. Bulk sample analysis confirmed the initial survey results that Cr(VI) is present in the facility. However, all Cr(VI) PBZ air samples collected were below relevant evaluation criteria. All samples collected for crystalline silica resulted in nondetectable concentrations. Sample results in many cases represent potential exposures, rather than actual inhalation exposures, due to employees wearing respirators. During the follow-up evaluation, all chromium and cobalt levels in urine were well below their respective biological exposure indices. There is no biological exposure index for nickel in the United States. Urine nickel levels, however, suggested that all 48 participating employees may have been exposed to nickel at work. We found a potential health hazard from exposure to nickel and cobalt at this facility. Air samples showed potential employee exposures to nickel and cobalt exceeding relevant evaluation criteria. Bulk and air samples indicated the presence of Cr(VI) in various production areas of the facility, however all personal breathing zone air samples collected for Cr(VI) were below relevant evaluation criteria. Urine samples showed evidence of workplace exposure to nickel in all employees, and suggested that low levels of workplace exposure to chromium may be occurring in a small number of workers, but offered no convincing evidence of workplace exposure to cobalt. Use of respirators (by many of the potentially highest-exposed workers) reduced actual inhalation exposures, as well as absorbed doses. Suggestions to improve the health and safety of employees in this facility, through the use of administrative controls, personal protective equipment (PPE) and particularly through the use of engineering control measures to reduce or eliminate reliance on PPE, are presented in the Recommendations section of this report.
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