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Health Hazard Evaluations (HHEs)

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HHE Search Results

1060 HHE reports were found based on your search terms. Reports are listed in order of year published with the most recently published reports listed first.

Year Published and Title

(2009) Exposure to hazardous metals during electronics recycling at four UNICOR facilities. (Click to open report)
Introduction: On November 27, 2007, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) received a request for technical assistance from the United States Department of Justice (USDOJ), Office of the Inspector General (OIG), in their health and safety investigation of the Federal Prison Industries, Inc. (UNICOR) electronics recycling program at Bureau of Prisons (BOP) institutions in Elkton, Ohio; Texarkana, Texas; and Atwater, California. We were asked to assess the current medica... (Click to show more)

(2009) Exposures in sculpture studios at a college art department. (Click to open report)
NIOSH received a confidential employee request for an HHE at Brooklyn College in Brooklyn, New York. The request was to investigate health and safety concerns in the sculpture studios, including the ceramic, woodworking, and metalworking studios. Employees were concerned that degenerative nerve damage, lung cancer, sinus problems, allergies, and headaches were possibly related to work exposures. On October 22-24, 2007, NIOSH investigators conducted an initial evaluation that included an opening ... (Click to show more)

(2009) Findings from industrial hygiene air sampling, ventilation assessment, and a medical survey at a facility that manufactures flavorings, modified dairy products, and bacterial additives. (Click to open report)
Background: Workers at Chr. Hansen, Inc., in New Berlin, Wisconsin, requested that NIOSH perform a health hazard evaluation to investigate the risk of respiratory and eye problems from exposures to diacetyl, butter flavorings, cheese flavorings, enzymes, colors, bacterial cultures, and cleaning agents. The plant has separate rooms for the production of the following products and product types: 1. Starter distillate, a liquid which contains the flavoring chemical diacetyl, is produced in the star... (Click to show more)

(2009) Health concerns at a printed circuit board manufacturing plant. (Click to open report)
NIOSH received a confidential employee request for an HHE at Sanmina-SCI Corporation (Sanmina-SCI) located in Huntsville, Alabama. Employees were concerned about exposure to solder paste and fumes during the fabrication, assembly, and testing of printed circuit boards, and noise. Other exposure concerns included copy machine toner, asbestos, mold, and dust. Health effects mentioned in the HHE request included cough, burning eyes, nosebleeds, loss of voice, headache, sinus infection, bronchitis, ... (Click to show more)

(2009) Report on an investigation of asthma and respiratory symptoms among workers at a soy processing plant. (Click to open report)
On December 12, 2006, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) received a confidential Health Hazard Evaluation (HHE) request from workers at the Solae Company's plant in Memphis, Tennessee. The requesters described respiratory symptoms and diagnoses, including sinus congestion and asthma, which they attributed to the workplace. They noted exposure to soy materials, lime (calcium oxide (CaO)), microbial contaminants such as mold, and insects. NIOSH investigators conducte... (Click to show more)

(2008) Assessment of physical hazards at an automobile parts manufacturing facility. (Click to open report)
On May 19, 2003, NIOSH received a union request to conduct an HHE at Tower Automotive in Bluffton, Ohio. The request stated that employees were subjected to highly repetitive work, loud metal stamping noise, and excessive heat in the painting department. The management referred to their employees as colleagues, so this term is used in this report. During an initial site visit (August 21, 2003), NIOSH investigators reviewed documentation of past industrial hygiene and noise sampling and summaries... (Click to show more)

(2008) Contact dermatitis among machinists at an automotive parts manufacturer. (Click to open report)
NIOSH received a request for an HHE at Dana Corporation in Bristol, Virginia from the United Auto Workers, Local 9023. Employees were concerned that poor indoor environmental quality and exposures to chemicals, nylon powder, and dust from grinding machines were causing rashes, nose bleeds, and respiratory problems, and that SRMF levels from induction heaters were causing cancer. Discussions held with union and management representatives determined that dermatitis was the major concern among empl... (Click to show more)

(2008) Employee exposures in a bus maintenance shop. (Click to open report)
NIOSH received a confidential employee request for an HHE at the Huntington Coach Corporation bus repair and body shops, Huntington Station, New York, in November 2006. Employees were concerned that exposures to cleaning solvents, paint vapors, diesel exhaust, and asbestos-containing brake dust were causing skin rashes and respiratory irritation. The request also mentioned possible safety hazards including ignition sources near flammable liquids and use of unsafe vehicle jack stands. On March 15... (Click to show more)

(2008) Exposures at a pottery shop. (Click to open report)
On February 2, 2007, NIOSH received a management request for an HHE at FUNKe Fired Arts, previously known as Annie's Mud Pie Shop, in Cincinnati, Ohio. Although no health symptoms were reported, management was concerned about the potential for employees' long-term exposure to a variety of substances while performing duties at the pottery shop. Exposures of concern included silica from the clay mixing process, elements from mixing dry materials used in the glazes, and VOCs and gases during kiln f... (Click to show more)

(2008) Exposures to carbon monoxide and surface metals in an Ohio Department of Transportation District Garage. (Click to open report)
On August 15, 2006, NIOSH received a request from the OCSEA for a HHE at the ODOT District 8 Main Garage in Wilmington, Ohio. The OCSEA expressed concern about workplace exposure to CO from vehicle exhaust and exposure to metals such as arsenic, cadmium, and lead that may have accumulated on work surfaces over many years of garage operation. Two NIOSH investigators walked through the worksite on October 31, 2006, to become familiar with the facility and identify potential locations of surface co... (Click to show more)

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