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Health Hazard Evaluations (HHEs)

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HHE Search Results

1060 HHE reports were found based on your search terms. Reports are listed in order of year published with the most recently published reports listed first.

Year Published and Title

(1972) Lawndale Industries, Inc., Lima, Ohio. (Click to open report)
Environmental and medical survey of operations and personnel in a plant manufacturing porcelain enamel coated steel bath tubs (SIC- 3431), involving the application of ground and finish coats by electrostatic spraying which exposes men to silica (7631869). Data are given for the components of ground coat, white cover coat, and bulk samples, and also for personnel sample, industrial ventilation, and inspection and cleaning of respirators. Analysis of the bulk and personnel samples indicates that ... (Click to show more)

(1972) May Foundry, Salt Lake City, Utah. (Click to open report)
Environmental survey of levels of formaldehyde (50000), furfuryl- alcohol (98000), isopropyl alcohol (67630), and dust in resin core operations in a foundry reveals concentrations of all substances are below recommended levels. Employees show no symptoms of toxic effects. No hazard is determined to exist.

(1972) NL Industries, Incorporated, Atlanta, Georgia. (Click to open report)
Lead (7439921) dust air concentrations measured at a battery manufacturing plant indicate that numerous personal and general area samples throughout the plant exceed the established lead dust standard. Sound levels are found to be at, or below, the current standard of 90 decibels A. Recommendations are made to obviate the hazards to the 125 affected employees.

(1972) North American Rockwell, reinforced plastics operation, Ashtabula, Ohio. (Click to open report)
Environmental survey and medical evaluation of workers in production of reinforced plastics, indicating potentially hazardous exposures to acetone (67641), dimethyl aniline, isobutyl alcohol (78831), isopropyl alcohol (67630), normal butyl acetate (123864), methyl cellosolve (109864), methyl ethyl ketone (78933), methyl isobutyl ketone (108101), methylene chloride (75092), styrene (100425), toluene (108883), xylene (1330207), fiberglass dust, and nuisance dusts. Complaints of workers include hea... (Click to show more)

(1972) Raybestos-Manhattan, Inc., Crawfordsville, Indiana. (Click to open report)
Environmental surveys to evaluate potential health hazards associated with the grinding, drilling, milling-slotting, and grooving operations at an iron (7439896) and copper (7440508) sintered metal parts manufacturing facility reveals that the levels of iron, copper, lead (7439921), magnesium (7439954), zinc (7440666), tin (7440315), antimony (7440360), molybdenum (7439987), graphite (7782425) and silica (7631869) dust in the air do not exceed the levels recommended by the prevailing health stan... (Click to show more)

(1972) Survey report. Safety Clothing and Equipment Division, Safety First Industries, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio. (Click to open report)
A survey was conducted to determine possible environmental asbestos (1332214) contamination at the Safety Clothing and Equipment Division (SIC-3842) of Safety First Industries, Incorporated, in Cleveland, Ohio, on March 30, 1972. The study was requested by the executive vice president of the company. Atmospheric samples for dust were taken in employee breathing zones during dust producing operations. A total of 11 operations were sampled; only 1 did not meet the standard of five fibers greater t... (Click to show more)

(1972) USCO Services, Forest Park, Georgia. (Click to open report)
Environmental survey of airborne carbon-black (1333864) dust levels in and near a carbon-black storage area reveals levels are well below threshold limit values. It is recommended that respirators continue to be worn when unloading boxcars. The threshold limit value is given for carbon-black in workroom air.

(1972) Willard Bronze Company, Cincinnati, Ohio. (Click to open report)
Environmental survey of concentrations of wax smoke, aluminum dust (7429905), oil mist, and carbon-monoxide (630080) at the casting cleaning department of a bronze manufacturer reveals concentrations of all substances exceed recommended standards. Recommendations include exhaust ventilated dust collection systems for stationary grinders, dilution ventilation to reduce carbon-monoxide, modification of methods of applying oil lubricants to reduce oil mists, general good housekeeping, and placement... (Click to show more)

(1972) Yoder Locker Plant, Grantsville, Maryland. (Click to open report)
Environmental samples were analyzed for total smoke dust, acetaldehyde (75070), methyl-formate (107313), acetone (67641), methyl-alcohol (67561), and isopropyl-alcohol (67630) at Yoder's Locker Plant (SIC-2077) Grantsville, Maryland, in January 1972. The survey was requested by an employee concerned over hickory sawdust and smoke exposures. Air samples were analyzed for total dust concentration and for the presence of thermal decomposition products of hickory sawdust. Sound level measurements we... (Click to show more)

() Tetley, Inc., Williamsport, Pennsylvania. (Click for full summary)
Employee exposure to tea dust was evaluated at Tetley, Inc. (SIC- 2099), Williamsport, Pennsylvania, for possible respiratory health effects, following a local union request in November, 1979. Personal and area airborne dust samples taken along with area samples quantifying airborne fungi, and a noise survey comprised the tests run at the facility. The facility employs about 200 workers when in full production. Only one dust sample exceeded the OSHA nuisance standard and that was from a cleaner ... (Click to show more)

Contact us to obtain a copy of report HHE-80-22.

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